The act of using vim, tenderly.

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Justin Searls (0 years vim experience) & Aaron Patterson (15 years vi/m experience) pair on Justin's machine to go from zero to competent vim configuration.
Once the environment is setup, we test it out by playing around in a few repositories (two Ruby projects, Rails itself, Ruby itself, and a Rails app) and commit a fix to a DNS library.
[Note: lost in the recording was Justin's audio track, so if anything Aaron says doesn't make sense, just assume that it's because Justin told an awesome joke, made a great point, or asked an insightful question.]
Once the environment is setup, we test it out by playing around in a few repositories (two Ruby projects, Rails itself, Ruby itself, and a Rails app) and commit a fix to a DNS library.
[Note: lost in the recording was Justin's audio track, so if anything Aaron says doesn't make sense, just assume that it's because Justin told an awesome joke, made a great point, or asked an insightful question.]