Homemade Fried Peach Pies

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It don’t get no better than this!
Made from scratch crust and homegrown peaches cooked perfectly to make one of the most loved country desserts ever!
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Thankful to come across this video!!! Fried peach pies?!!! Are you kidding me?!!! Who wouldn’t LOVE these??? Interesting to watch and listen to you — you’re instantly lovable!!! ❤❤❤


I just watched your video on fried peach pies. I'm 71 years old and cried when you said it was your son's favorite and he would show up for them. I live in TN. AND would drive all the way to VA. For mom and dad's fried pies, peanut butter roll, and apple stack cake. Then me and mom would make biscuits, gravy, bacon, eggs (I called them mashy eggs when I was little) over easy, homemade apple butter, homemade molasses. Then I'd lay on the porch like an old hound dog (just an old saying. I'm getting ready to make a batch of pies. Will let you know how they turn out. Thank you again for the memory. I still fix a lot of mom, grandma and great grandma's recipes. My dad was a MessSergeant in WW2 and actually sold his chili recipe in 1961 to a resturant. Enough jawing, I did subscribe and saved your recipe.
Thanks again, Steve


I love the way you do everything It show that you are a great cook
Thank you what you do.


I just LOVE the way you talk constantly during your video… I feel like we’re old friends!!!!


I could never get my bread, cinnamon roll dough, pie crust right until I called my grandma in Idaho from Alaska as a new bride of 18. She told me to stop measuring and go by feel...and she was absolutely right! Everyone loved my baked goods when I could still get around. Thanks TallI Faye! Brings back wonderful memories.


My mommy taught me how to make apple pies.we had apple trees so we used them any way we could.im 60yrs old.an i know your s are de lish. You are MAGNIFICENT . THANK YOU FOR SHARING.NOBODY MAKE S THESE NO MORE. I BET U THEY WILL NOW. NOTHING TASTES BETTER THAN HOME MADE. THANK YOU FOR SPRENDING THE LOVE


First time I found some one who bakes like my mama I sure miss her and here I am 70 years old and honey I’m going do your recipe cause it looks absolutely delicious . Ty for sharing I’ll bb🙏🏼


I intend to try this because I haven’t had fried pies since I was a kid many, many years ago. Thank you for reminding me of the wonderful childhood I had


And someone commented that you are a good teacher. Definitely. Clear and easy to understand. And went slow enough for a 67 year old to keep up. Thank you again. Susan Himmaugh St Rose LA


My paternal grandmother used to make these for me all the time, when she was still alive; all flavors; chocolate, butterscotch, and every imaginable fruit. Thanks for the recipe! It's been 40 years since I had one!


I"m 64 as a kid growing up in Arkansas our neighbor had 2 big cherry trees, her grand kids, my brothers and myself would eat fried cherry pies as fast as she got them out of the skillets, she and mom usually had 3 cast iron skillets going trying to get ahead of 6 kids.


I must say, that I am so excited to have found your video! I appreciate the fact that you recognize that jewelry has no place in the kitchen. I love the way you cook, because I don’t measure anything either, I just know that it is right. You are a breath of fresh air in your old school cooking. I will try your method and let you know how it turns out. Please continue to share your recipes with me, because I have just subscribed to your channel.


I thoroughly enjoyed watching this. My mom used to make fried pies. Thanks.


Your energy is boundless, and your dough is perfect. Halfmoons are empanadas.


I learned a lot about making fried pies. A lot of love and work put into the pies blessings


I like the way you give instructions to teach us. You're a good teacher, those fried pies look delicious 😋


Granny used to have some ready for when I got home from school. :)


Wonderful in this day and age to see old time cookin - my granny never measured except for when she used the "pink cup"! Which i now hav - when i wrote down her recipies, most of them had the pink cup in them!! She taught me to bake in coffee cans - i sold round loaves of banana bread on the courthouse lawn in the late 60s - fancy for that time!! Luv ur videos - sometimes makes me cry remembering mamaw 40:51


Fried pies are terrific! I grew up watching my mother also make these fried pies. I still enjoy them.


New sub from Houston!! You are delightful. My first memory of fried pies was in Centerville, Tx where we had a weekend farm. I’m 74 and never forgot how wonderful they were.
