Intercepted Signs & Planets in Your Natal Chart

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Alyssa Sharpe is a professional astrologer and writer who has gained a significant following on social media for her insightful and engaging astrological content. Alyssa has been featured in various online publications and podcasts, where she shares her knowledge and expertise in astrology. Her approach to astrology is focused on empowering individuals to better understand themselves and their unique life path through the lens of their astrological birth chart, numbers and her Ascension System™.
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I always wondered what these meant in my chart but I never knew there was a term for it. Thanks!  Please do more complicated topics like these. It's hard to find this kind of information on astrology in video form. This is great for those of us trying to get deeper into astrology.

And good luck with your new child! (Hopefully she doesn't cry too much like a Cancer).


This is actually so cool now I want to start looking more into astrology your videos are amazing.


OMG Alyssa, THANK YOU. The examples you talked about in the video were so HELPFUL because I have Libra/Aries intercepted on the 5th/11th house axis. I ALWAYS felt isolated from the social groups. My sister taunted me throughout childhood that "I had no friends" and that thought just destroyed me. Being that the 11th house rules awards and accomplishments, I was left out at the end of high school when everyone in my singing group BUT ME received anaward for excellence. I had a severe loss of faith in my teachers on that day (Jupiter in libra intercepted).
It has been so hard to "find myself" in relationships. I totally know what it's like to have the Pisces and Virgo energies doing double duty in your life: in one moment, you're reveling in the dream of beauty and the next moment you're being criticized for being too short-sighted and critical. I could never wrap my head around why I was always criticized by my family for being so "critical". Ayayay
Anyway, it has been hard. When I left the shelter of my high school, I couldn't figure out how to shine bright. It felt like everyone I encountered was taking things from me, but hardly giving back. Only the druggy types would empathize with me and give back, but you know how that goes. 
So now I'm realizing that in order to find my place in society and to clarify my hopes and dreams, I need to find my voice. This has always been kind of apparent in the back of mind, but now I see the astrology of it, with a debilitated Mars in the 2nd house. I can empathize with your struggles because you've got the 2nd house intercepted, so I can tell that you're the type of person who had a difficult journey developing her own voice. I'm the same way. I'm tired of people taking credit for what I give to them! I'm tired of being the Pisces Saint and acting like I don't care! Haha! I think this is what the Mars energy feels like.
Gosh I am so grateful that you offer your insight and that you have found your voice, because wow! What a voice it is! I see so many parallels in our charts now that it inspires me and gives me hope that I will find my voice, too. And I'll be able to say, "I've had enough criticism! I don't need so much Virgo in my life, thank you!" and to find a way to shine just for the sake of it, and perform without fear of criticism.
Thanks, love for doing this teaching, and for taking ownership of your voice :) I hope you feel gratified knowing that your words helped someone make a breakthrough. Thanks


This is so so so helpful. I have my Leo sun in the 9th and it is intercepted (with my mars and mercy, and Jupiter intercepted in Aquarius). I’m a very late bloomer, and I often feel like I don’t relate to my inner planets in those houses.

I thought I was crazy until I started looking at my squares to those planets, and this is another essential piece!


This is so fascinating and I love the insight this video gave me into my chart. My first house intercepts Pisces and my seventh house intercepts Virgo. I've always lacked mundane structure, and growing up through grade school, always did what I wanted and never really felt compelled to do things consistently unless absolutely necessary, which is definitely emphasized in the Virgo intercepted. And as far as getting where I want to go in life, I've always known that I want to be an author and work in publishing but my vision to get there has always been murky. For instance, I'm a business marketing major striving to work in publishing, but my vision to get there with my major feels difficult and hard to see. With the lack of Virgo's structure, I feel that I'm lacking the steps necessary to help me get to where I want to be and my Pisces interception makes that vision even harder to see.

My Venus and Mercury are also intercepted, because they're in Pisces. This makes sense to me too, because growing up I've always had trouble expressing how I felt (I was in the closet for most of my youth, and still am to quite a few people). With my Venus being intercepted, I feel like I'm behind much of my peers in the romance department. My first relationship with another guys, if you can call it that, felt harder than it should. We love interceptions in my chart.

And to add to that, with my Cancer and Capricorn being in duplicate houses, I feel over emotional/stuck in my feelings a lot and pretty much attach everything in my life to emotions (my cancer is in the fifth and sixth house). Capricorn is duplicated in the eleventh and twelfth house. I've always felt that I have a lot of love to give and offer to people (especially with my Venus in the first house, and my Venus is also a Pisces), but have always had a hard time showing my affection towards my family and friends, so thank you Capricorn in the eleventh house (my Moon is also in Capricorn). And with it also being in the twelfth house, I've felt a little restricted much of my life (probably because I've been in the closet for so long). Wow, I typed a lot huh hahah


Gemini-Sagittarius intercepted. I have started having a lot of issues with being understood, listened to in university and in my career. My boyfriend has Leo-Aquarius intercepted with Sun in Leo in 8th intercepted and he was never praised, told he was smart growing up. He told me he went up to his mum once and told her something he was proud for doing. She laughed at him and he felt awful. You don't kill the spirit of a Sun in Leo like that


I too have the sun intercepted but also along with merc and mars in the 3rd house-aries. Yeah I can relate to realizing things after I was out in the world. Duplicate signs Taurus and Scorpio 4th/5th, 10th/11. Its true what is said about intercepted planets gaining momentum as you get older. Like a drawing back of the bow-cause when the arrows flies, it will surely hit its mark--skipping a few levels to make up for lost time. The interception should not be underestimated, along with the people who have them. I feel like at my age, I'm finally getting my bearings in life and my place in it. Finally starting to be comfortable in my own skin. It's all real simple, just isn't always easy.


I have the worst sign to be intercepted... Leo in the 1st house! And it makes a lot of sense :(


I have seen intercepted houses on charts without realizing what it was and meant; once again, Alyssa, you have been able to completely clarify something that just no other astrologer I have read even thought it was important to mention; literally, I still wouldn't know anything about this if it weren't for your attention and knowledge on this subject. Thank you so much for sharing your experience so generously!


OMG, this short video explained to me all my major issues and wonderings in life. This is priceless! THANK YOU, ALYSSA! I will definitely be contacting you in the near future for a personal reading...




Fascinating! I have an Aries / Libra interception too, it's very frustrating, haha.


Alyssa, AWESOME! Thank you!
Do you know WHAT The Purpose of having Interceptions is? What are we meant to do with this energy? What is the opportunity of working with this dynamic?
BTW, it's NOT that no one wanted to date you in high school; it's that YOU ARE SUPER CUTE and guys didn't think you'd go out with them. Guys at that age are SUPER F***ING AWKWARD. Just FYI. You go back, years from now and dig around, you will find there were a slew of boys who had crushes on you. (I KNOW this. I'm crazy intuitive). But your EXPERIENCE was that no one found you attractive enough to want to date... and THAT's the intercepted Aries/Libra, 1st/7th house dynamic. That sucks! I'm so sorry.
But, hey! You ARE beautiful! So cheer up buttercup!
Again, thanks!


Makes crystal clear sense- intercepted gemini in 12th & sagittarius 6th- I find it hard to feel comfortable communicating my feelings which I feel has affected my mental health, which I guess is magnetised by pluto? & I'm surprised you took a while to date you're so gorgeous!


I have Sagittarius intercepted in the 1st house & Gemini intercepted in the 7th house. I do have a lot of 9th house energy so I feel more connected to Sag, but Gemini is a different story. I've always felt detached from Gemini as a sign in general & dread small talk, mingling, etc. I wish I had more Gemini, or at least a planet there, so I could understand it more.


This is so true. my Pisces is intercepted and my mars and venus are in Pisces. When I was in college I met this Pisces at 11:11 and she introduced me to astrology. She taught me everything i needed to know about Pisces and I had this very strong desire to learn more. I read all about pisces and now I can always tell if people are pisces. ♡


I'm missing Aries and Libra too, I completely understand this whoa


Mind-blowing revelation about me and my intercepted signs! Thank you 🙏🏽❤️


~~. thank you for this enlightening, informative video . I'm 73 and have interceptive 12th house Aries and Jupiter enters Aries this afternoon ... I was curious ...and this video was a great help . I understand now why I've become such an agitator with my S F Commons t.v. show . For years I was dancing around wounds and those days are over and I've become this courageous being, calling everything corrupt that is corrupt .
" no mud, no Lotus "
Love your honesty, you have a good heart and know what you're talking about .
Let it shine,
Psychic Frank


Makes sense. 5th house Scorpio intercepted <-> 11th house Taurus intercepted.
I've always had difficulties with love affairs and long-lasting friendships. My Moon in Scorp (emotions) was never really addressed, like they don't exist at all. My Taurus Venus wasn't addressed too, so.. yeah, struggling with self-worth since.
But life's go on, right? :D I know I'll become much stronger because of this struggle.
