Guide to your first LUSHEN AO - NOOB friendly - Summoners War

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This video is to teach you the basics on how to build your team and units to consider and their turn orders. All my previous Lushen videos have stats and numbers if you learn better that way.


I am watching this over and over again. very helpful video, BTW, thanks for the AO review, put together my bernard and teon. working pretty well.


your best video, even if i have known all of the infos already but it for sure is the best beginner lushen guide so far bro.


Great video andim going to forward this video to my guild!

I still use a single lushen snd it got me to g1. I use psamathe lead with all fight, single lushen with 65 cr and 240 cd, bastet with 295 speed, and imnesity with one fight and swift. Goal is to get imnesity with all fight.


So one thing I thought when considering fluff unit with a fat Lushen was to also use a 33% speed lead. For example Kabilla --> Psamathe/Trinity --> Teon/Kona/Dova --> Fat Lushen. I think I'm going to try this out? I would be using 317 Kabilla, 255 Fight/Fight Trinity, 256 Fight/Fight Teon, 13k Fat Lushen. I figure Trinity can deal ~12k on 50k HP targets, while not pricing nemesis, at which point 39k coming from the Lushen clears larger tanks. Thoughts?


Fei Frigate Megan Lushen is good? I will build them for my AO team


When aiming for C2 and above (goal is G1), when I refresh should I hit any defenses I can or only the highest ones on the list? To climb you have to pass someone else right? But the top 3 or usually 33 + Triton and I only use double Lushens. I'm finding it insanely tough to build a Lushen fat enough to clear that defense.


So, I use to give you a lot of flack in the comments of quite a few of your videos where criticism was deserved. However, you've gotten a lot better; your presentation is better, over all speech, and content is well laid out.

Good video, hope you continue to get better.

PS you forgot Leo Lushen :) great for those pesky Halphas defenses.


How does mephisto factor into 2020 lushen teams? Seems pretty good with 20% atb & death prevention.


Stopped playing but what I used to do is this:
Bernard, Megan, lushen and either eshir or sigmarus (depending on enemies)
Leader is either Megan or Bernard


Just some friendly advise, try to slow down a bit. You won't stumble over words so much.


Hey thanks a lot for the video, sure helped a lot. You didn't talk about the Jamire Bastet Theon Lushen team. What do you think about it ?


i am currently using Korona(L) Leo Kabilla Lushen and i'm doing pritty good, my lushen with 51% crit will get the rest 49% from korona buff and leader skill so i can focus more on crt dmg and atk, actually he its 11k per card.


hey foxy, what do you think of seara as a fluffler? i have her and built her and she seemed to work okay - ish. shes speedtuned to go bfore the lushen


Foxy, if I have Kabila and Bernard who should I use for my primary atk bar buffer?


Youve helped improve my account for seige so much lol appreciate the videos bro!


Hey, quick question I'm having some trouble getting a 12k lushen. My CD tower is maxed and wind tower maxed and my ATK is 8/10. I got my rage lushen to 250CD and 1900 ATK beforr ATK buff and it's still not enough for a 12k per card. How far do i have to push lushen to get him to 12k? i know you suggest a 14k card lushen but i'm only pushing for G1 currently, gotta set smaller goals first :)

my AO is currently Bernard Light Homie Dub lushen (or lushen Julie) / Psamathe Light Homie Bernard Lushen (Fatal / Will 96% CR +1987 ATK 185% CD) and he only does 10-11k. i get a lot of monsters who will live by what seems to be 1hp and it's annoying that i can't kill an Aerial with 1 amp magic. What stats do i need to aim for to get a 12k lushen?


So I might build up 2 more lushen or so. One on rage will, triple fight, fast swift lushen. Already have 2 lushens that are on rage blade but kinda want to build up more lushens for different scenarios and build purposes.


Foxy and how to counter my Lushen team against those strip/nemesis units with spd leads like: Chiwu, Praha, Juno, Triton ?


hi foxy i have many of this units but i have problems too build this right what runes i need for this units too make the teams i have all Monsters on the video bastet i miss
