'Rise of Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization: Algorithms...' Prof. Kalyanmoy Deb (IJCCI 2020)

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Keynote Title: Rise of Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization: Algorithms and Applications

Keynote Lecturer: Kalyanmoy Deb
Presented on: 02/11/2020, Online Streaming

Abstract: Started in early nineties, multi-objective optimization problems weresolved without any prior preference information. Single-objectiveevolutionary computation methods were minimally modified to search andstore multiple Pareto-optimal solutions simultaneously within anevolving population. The basic idea has not changed in the past threedecades, but it has been extended, perfected, and applied to variousfields of science, society, engineering, and business. This keynotelecture will present a chronological account of key events and researchinventions which propelled the evolutionary multi-objective optimization(EMO) into a field which many novice and expert researchers andapplicationists now proudly call it their profession.

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Presented at the following Conference:
IJCCI, 12th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
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