Top 10 Themes for Sun Conjunct Neptune

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Today we are going to take a look at the Sun's upcoming conjunction with the planet Neptune in Pisces.

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The famous lost ship " endurance" was found after 107 years. Thought it was a good example of seeing sun and Neptune coming together. Shedding light through the misty depths of the ocean to uncover something legendary and thought to be forever lost.


I have Sun/Neptune (and Uranus) conjunction in the 5th house in Capricorn natally and totally resonate with these. Otherworldly experiences are nearly the only thing that I find "fun", and I enjoyed the use of psychedelics when I was young. I've had themes throughout my life of struggling to see myself and others clearly. Have spent most of my life searching for my "purpose", and while I've chilled in this pursuit, I definitely identify as a mystic and have settled into the idea that my role here is spiritual work and is subject to evolve over time. I'm an astrologer and trance channel and nothing describes me more than that meme of a cat sitting at a table, saying "Me, waiting for an opportunity to turn the conversation spiritual."



i have sun/neptune in my natal, conjunct in capricorn. here are the traits/experiences i associate with it: musicianship, extreme sensitivity, psychic receptivity, predictive dreams/active dreamer, artistry, religiosity, projection of ideals onto the self by others, martyrdom, activism, codependency, addiction, victimhood, imprisonment. almost everything in this video resonates as a theme in my life. acyuta you really are doing us all a service with these. thanks endlessly.


Can tell you it was very misty in NYC this ship of Edward Shakelton (explorer of Antartica) was discovered under the sea, saw that pop on my FB had a lot mythical imagery come up from within my mind while I walked about in NYC....


#grabbed Sun/Neptune

I was born with Neptune conjunct my Sun in Capricorn on the cusp of my 8th and 9th house.

I just wrote a book for the last 7 years that I LOVED escaping into and I often felt that I was receiving my ideas and downloads from source. It was like I was inside of a movie and I so enjoyed that experience!

Funny enough, the name of the book is: Neptune Love Affairs, Divinely Guided and my main character’s name is Grace. All words you just used. I'm about to have my first book club and book signing.

Also, my husband was born on the same day that I was, December 23 exactly a year later and Neptune had gone retrograde and forward to end up directly on his/our Sun at the same degree 😆. Pretty cool. The book is about how he was my first kiss right before I turned 17 and how we found each other again when I was 33.

I've always been creative, I leaned on my artistic skills throughout school and have a degree in art. I've always kept a creative writing journal.

I've been told “you want a fairy tale love.” well, I probably do/did and I didn't stop looking until I found my fairy tale love. But having this conjunction in Capricorn, it's a realistic, grounded love tale with a solid foundation.

Also, our son was born with Neptune in Pisces directly conjunct his moon with black moon Lilith. He is the sweetest, most loving, and most sensitive little guy. He cries when he sees the cartoon character, Peppa Pig with chickenpox on her face ☺️ and cries if we raise our voices at his big brother and will lay his body over him in a protective way 🤗.


Well, I am extremely excited about our reading next week! My Pisces sun is at 22 degrees. I’ve been taking notes since our last session. Life has been extremely misty & foggy mixed with mystical experiences. Balancing paranoia with moments of clarity in regards to my career, personal life choices and constantly feeling like this is a very divine experience that I don’t yet understand.


My mother is in hospice care for lung cancer now. We want to move her to our house and we’re told by hospice to do it now rather than later because her time here is growing short. So, yes.


#grabbed I've recently gone through a Neptune transit to my Sun/Asc, both at 18-19°. During this transit, I wrote Faunabelle Tarot and co-created the deck. I also deepened my planetary magic practice, creating metal talismans and developing devotional relationship with certain planets. Neptune is in my 9th House and forms a grand trine with Jupiter and the Sun. I've always found transits from Neptune to work as a spiritual catalyst for me.


The past 48 hours I felt that I was being called to a new path/ shift.
And here you are telling us this Neptune experience..
thank you so much 🙏☮️💟


# my birth chart is Virgo Ascendant with Neptune at 23 Virgo and Venus opposing in Pisces at 22 deg.
I'm enjoying these transits of Jupiter and Neptune and now the Sun going through Pisces... Nothing new has happened but there has been a bit more of my typical reactions to LIFE... That is IT IS OK.. It is the interpretation of situations as well as my learning more and more that going with the flow, without expectation is ultimately the best for me.
I've had a blessed life, not an easy one, but blessed... This transit at age 82 and Uranus meeting my natal Uranus at age 84... I'm curious what is on my agenda.. Whatever it is I'm going to enjoy it. Since I have my black belt in Taekwondo, , , I might teach


Just before watching this I literally said out loud to myself “I feel like I’m in a different world”. Feeling very oddly removed, like looking in on the big picture but from afar- Pisces is my 6th. it’s almost my Jupiter return - in a few days it will be exact.


I feel a very positive mood today
Everyone in my house is in a good day today
It's nice for a change some lightheartedness


Listen to this tonight then saw an AARP talk ( I am that old) Professor of Rock : Journey talk on the band and the 'Dont stop Believing " ballad that has transcended multiple generations.
Struck me as a beautiful Neptune transit.


#grabbed: my nephew has a Sun-Neptune conjunction and when he was 3 years old he mentioned a few times when we were playing that we have to go faster because the blue man told him so... He's 6 years old now, in love with 2 girls at his kindergarten (but one is "too pretty") and he already told his parents that when he grows up and gets married they will all stay in the same bedroom, and things are going to be so great, because they will do so many things together much faster!!


This is very interesting personally because my Sun is at 22 degrees Pisces.
Ever since March 2021, Neptune has been within a 2 degree range of my natal Sun, through its forward motion, retrograde and now moving forward again.
On the 13th of March when it conjoins the Sun again it is my birthday, so the Sun and Neptune will be exactly conjunct my natal Sun.
I have definitely had many lessons and experiences around these themes over the last year.


I have my sun and Neptune conjuct!!! 🌞 it def gives me a dimension of daydreaming lol also helps me out in my ccreative career having one foot in the imagination


I have Sun conjunction Neptune in natal chart I just noticed (new to this).
It's just been March 10 here in NZ and I've had a - hard to label, kind of day. Bit down, disillusioned about where things are going with my small business, annoyed by people, paranoid there's something going on behind my back, car had two weird unrelated faults come up, and I just couldn't wait for the day to end! It actually closed well with something coming together nicely and a comical encounter with someone that made me feel like I was going loopy or that maybe I was on a film set. Such an odd and weird moody day.


The 13th is my Father's birthday..he is turning 63 this year ... I'm really looking forward to that day 🙏🏼♥️
I am a Pisces Sun myself as well


Natal Sun conj. Neptune - almost exactly - in Sag. One foot in this world, my head in the clouds - dreaming, thinking. I will have to watch this again. 👀


My life partner (male Libra) of 20 years who passed May 2020, and my current bestie and roommate (Sag female) have sun/Neptune conjunction. One very notable commonality is, both seriously ill. He had kidney, heart, neurological, lung issues; and she has MS plus some gall bladder and spinal problems. The other thing they had in common is me! Oh, dear!🙀
