A radically new understanding of God

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This is a talk given by Tim to his online community. He is launching a major video series exploring his philosophy later this year, so remember to subscribe if you want to know when that happens.

ℹ️ Author of 35 books including an international bestseller and Daily Telegraph ‘Book of the Year’.
ℹ️ 1.8 million views of Hermetica audiobook on Youtube
ℹ️ #50 Most Spiritually Influential Living People 2020, Watkins Magazine
ℹ️ Winner of Writer of the Year 2020, Kindred Spirit
ℹ️ Founder of ‘Unividualism’ - a visionary new understanding of the nature of reality and the purpose of life

/ timfreke

❗️ TED talk: Are We Clever Monkeys or Immortal Sou...

#God #awakening #philosophy #love #spirituality #wisdom #evolution #life #life
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I think your hunch is correct! I love the term "Flowering" because that is what many of us are experiencing🌺. Others call it metamorphosis. 🐛🦋
We are beginning to see everything as God sees everything.
"God isn't the creator of suffering. God isn't the suffering. God is the RESPONSE to suffering." That is Profound!!
As Pam Gregory who is a top notch astrologer in the UK says, "We are welcoming in an expanded consciousness of Love", which I believe is the expansion or Flowering of God.
Thank you Tim🙏💗


I am not being sarcastic but sincere when I say I love how you have a radically different idea of god/slef/consciousness every time I check up on you. I think it is vital to this kind of exploration to not get tied to defending or promoting a particular stance. Indeed, don't consider your previous concepts to be off limits or "wrong" either. They are all perspectives on truths which are multi-faceted. Embrace all thought on them and continue to harmonize and evolve.


Your work is truly profound, rethinking major spiritual traditions in a modern context. The cloud metaphor is brilliant, and the idea of soul evolution as the next stage beyond physical life resonates deeply. Your efforts to reconcile science and spirituality are vital for the modern world, addressing questions many of us grapple with. As a philosopher, you have the time and depth to explore these complexities, and you do it brilliantly, thank you.


This gives me chills cause years ago my son asked me "what is god" and my soul cried out "please god help me not lie to him I dont want his foundation to be faulty"
And my answer out of my mouth was "its like gravity its the energy that brings us all together"


My Grandfather taught me God is all in all. I have a Freke ancestor who came to Boston in the 1700's.


Even our ideas are evolving & forming and arising too. Its also the reason why humility is a bit like the most finest gold of all time


From my current gatherings of many decades, I tend to think there is no God except perhaps for a collective of self-aware beings which make a super-conscious higher level sum greater than the parts in the same way the cells of our bodies together have created us with a level of consciousness beyond them, yet are them.


You have reminded me of the Paul Tillich quote, “The courage to be is rooted in the God who appears when God has disappeared in the anxiety of doubt”
I understand you’re describing something somewhat different but sense you’re both moving in a similar direction where we release ourselves of the concept and the ideology of an existing God and all of the characteristics so that we can experience the emerging God and ..I find it very, very fascinating ..and I’m very grateful


Some very choice ideas to think about, thanks Tim 👌


Just started watching, git really excited by "God is emergant".

First time seeing validation for my similar idea, in the west God is all mighty creator, in the east its the dark dao.


You explained that really well, thanks. It’s pretty much my spiritual experience except I tend to commune with an indescribably unfathomable energy field rather than light. How you communicate your experience is very reassuring as I’ve tried many times to slot in to various mystical traditions but nothing fitted so I’ve been walking my own unique way many years. Thanks!😻


I love your understanding and explanation of our Divinity! It takes away all religious and spiritual connotations and it is so freeing and it makes complete sense. It allows us to own and take our responsibility for our actions and understanding of how we are evolving and no longer place it outside of us. Bravo! Thank You for sharing your beautiful wisdom and insight, I hope for you many blessings!


I think we can experience God and call it different things. Your explanations are very similar to mine since I became a Christian 47 years ago. What works for me is the Bride of Christ is the emergence, birthing the children from this union, love, joy, peace etc. holding in common all faiths that prioritize love and service to others as the highest value


That was so interesting and refreshing! Thank you! Subscribed!


Hi Tim, Long time fan and reader of your work. I have been joining you on your journey from time to time over the past few years as you have been doing the work to articulate your view of the world you are trying to grasp as well as paint for others. To be honest, at times it is a little hard to find where "the rub" is for you and what it is that you are trying to bring forth that you feel is new and emergent and this video is a great help.

I have watched a few of your videos with Rupert and also your distance from "Non-Duality" or Advita teachings in an attempt to paint a more wholistic view of the world and your disagreement with Advita teachings and "No-Self". Trading this in for " One you wouldn't be afraid to share with your children", Which is one of my favorite idea's of yours by the way! I'm hoping to publish some kids books for this very reason as well as to help my 6yr old son along with a beautiful world view I am happy to share with him.

To me the phrase that stood out in the beginning of this video was about "God is not where we have been but where we are going"(paraphrase)

And this is where it felt the real point of it all is perhaps and where some of the lack of synthesis is taking place(very sorry to presume)

"God is where we are going, not where we have been"....In an honest attempt to join minds, it seems to me that if you were to change that phrase to a more integrated understanding in an attempt to include all the domains you mentioned you would capture everything you want to capture without any issue with any teaching.

Something like " Not only is God where we have been, God is where we are going. Not only is God where we are going, but God is already here. Not only is God already here, but God can never arrive because God is always transforming. Not only is God always transforming, but there is a part of God that always remains the same. "

This is an attempt to unite the seeming opposites and find a place for each of these truths. It's is true that All is One, that the many are of one vine, of one spirit. But the many make up the One and the One carries not it's existence as a standalone but as a "Wholeon" a super Wholeon more like it!

The one can be one, but with no "other". "Otherness" is what we must give up to step through the veil into subjective Oneness. The experience of subjective oneness doesn't have to erase the parts, but they are indeed parts of the indivisible whole that the individual can experience first hand when its illusion of separateness is seen through.

The non-dual state says nothing of these states and their meaning, which comes as an interpretation of the level of maturity of the mind in that person and then says what that state means about the world.

Ken Wilbur has done extensive work in attempting to create a map with integral theory(which i'm sure you are familiar), that helps us look at reality as holistically as possible.

His handy categories of Waking Up, Growing Up, Cleaning up, and Showing up are very useful in understanding that people may be disagreeing about something because they are mixing these domains and their evolutionarily stages. Also the idea of the four quadrants as any holistic view of a "wholeon". Internal Subjective Singular(I), Internal Subjective Plural(We/US), External Singular(It/The World), External Plural (It's/Systems)

You mentioned the evolution of the Psyche and the evolution of the World, This evolution is happening in the Internal subjective mind of each being, then it is also happening in the internal collective mind of the beings "super mind" as you referend to it. Then its happening in the external material world and the systems of that world(standard evolution). So it seems, God is evolving on all possible fronts, The world is evolving on all possible fronts, We are evolving on all possible fronts, I am evolving on all possible fronts. So not only do brains evolve, but also the Mind and Spirit.

And yet, underneath all of that is a pure awareness or "pure mind of God" in which this is all taking place. (The God, from which all experience springs)

This is the one miracle that we must grant the Big Bang Theory. The miracle of everything bursting from NOTHING. This is the universal instinct for creation and the kind net of eternity from which all spring out of and which all returns to.

God by definition is without boundary and uncapturable. The ever emerging God I believe you are teaching about, but also the pure soil of potential in which all experience takes place and souls of BEing's in all places share.

In Ken's book he speaks of different people awaking through the ages. He notes " The emptiness that these people have been waking up to never changes, but the form in which they wake up is always changing" (another paraphrase)

The guru of 2, 000 years ago drinks from the same well when he taste pure awareness as the one who awakes in this very moment, but that guru will know very little of todays world, the paradigms and culture and technology of today, and yet they can share the same state of "Not Two-Ness". Everything being "One" as you stated is the start of this.

It's all a point of perspective that God is taking on itself from the endless point of view of It''s constantly tetra-evolving non-self'....hahah!

I praise your attempt to convey this stuff in an any way approachable manner and have prescribed your book Deep Awake to anyone who is feeling too disconnected from their body or experience due to over-consumption of non-dual awaking and teachings.

It's true that it is a danger that we can disregard one domain after a revelation or peak state in an another and people can get " Zen Sickness" from having a one-sided drive toward the emptiness and peace, the opposite of the archetype of the Bodhisattva"

Ultimately I think we can have the revelation and subjective experience of Non-Duality and an all encompassing view of each domain of our reality that needs not neglect our psyche (personal or collective) that also leaves room from evolution across the domains of the physical and spiritual as a constant unfolding. All the while rooted in the peace that comes with the revelations of " No Truly Separate Self"

I know that as much wholeness as possible is your goal too, which Is why I took the time to leave this message for you.

Very much love, and thank you for your contribution to this space in our time. your heart really comes through!


You are getting it! My brain comes out in cryptic poetry so nice to see your understanding try to find the words.


it's all interconnected. it's like frost forming on a window. holistic interconnectedness and possibilities


The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled is convincing the world that it is a kind and benevolent GOD.


This is an invitation to see a theory where light is both a wave and a particle, with a probabilistic ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π, future continuously unfolding in relation to the electron probability cloud of atoms and the wavelength of light. In this theory, the wave-particle duality of light and matter (electrons) creates a blank canvas that we (atoms) can interact with forming a future relative to the energy and momentum of our actions. This interaction is represented by a constant of action in space and time, mathematically denoted as the Planck constant h/2π. This concept is supported by the fact that light photon energy ∆E=hf is continuous exchange into the kinetic energy Eₖ=½mv² of matter, in the form of electrons.


You are God. As soon as we try to intellectualise it, it's gone, and that's a part of the process as well.
