Best Friend Breakup Lele Pons & Hannah Stocking

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Okay, uh, boys night, love you! We’ll be out late, don’t wait for us. Yes. Both: Bye! Lele: Love you. Hannah: Have fun! Lele: yeah Lele: Did you put it on? Did you put it on yours?
Hannah: I did, did you?
Lele: I put it on mine. Check it out. Log in. Sight on the eagle. There, there they are. Oh shoot, I’m so excited! Bro, We’re finally going out. We’re finally now alone. Our girls are freaking crazy. Locas, crazy! They’re so crazy! What do you mean, and sometimes they smell and I don’t understand.
That’s not true, that’s not true. I mean my girl smells too, but not like yours. That’s not true. Yours smells. Huh, they talk a lot. Yeah, but you know what? I love Lele. AWWW! I love ’em too. We love ’em. L: We love them.
H: I love them. Aww.
L: Aww. We love them too, that’s why I love them. They have great personalities and– H: That’s true.
L: Yeah, that’s true. It’s what it’s about. It’s about the personality. *claps* Baby! That’s my baby! Let’s play some music, man. Oh my god, they’re gay, I knew it! Okay, next one.
Alright, got you, right here. I knew it, that’s why they’re always together. How do you know if they’re gay if they just listen to girls’ music. It’s just a song. What about that song? *girly music* Nah, I-I’m not feeling this. Yeah, me too, that song’s wack. I know. Both: Oh! Whoo! Close one. Wait, uh, not again. I think we’re here. It’s going down. Lemme pull up. Are you ready for this one, bro? Where’d they stop? They stopped somewhere. Is that.. Is that a girl’s house? Act cool man, I’m so excited! Oh my god! I thought you’d never come! Oh my god! Yeah, he’s alright.
HOW MANY GIRLS?! Oh my god- 1,2,3,4,5-5-5-5-5-5! Hannah: *sobbing* 5-5-5-5-5-5-5.. Lele: *begins crying* They’re cheating on us! They’re cheating on us! Thottish Girl: Oh mY gOD, iT’s sO bIG! *dramatically gasp/scream* *Girl turns normal* Your watch! Nice! Must be expensive. [relieved] What? They’re okay! So, this is your friend. Hi! Meet my cousin. Ellie. *romantic music* Both: WOAH! No, I’m a lesbian. Nice to meet you. [relieved] I’ll see you guys later, I need a drink. It’s okay. Oh my god.
You’re exactly what we wanted. Both: WOAHHH! To sign up for our good luck program. Let’s help save the children *moans.* [relieved] It’s okay. Hey, Twan, could I talk to you? So, about last night.. *woosh* Both: WOAHH! Did you get food poisoning too? Because I’ve been throwing up all day. [relieved] That’s okay. Haha Hmm. Let’s go to- *making before-sneezing noise* Both: WOAHOHH! *making before-sneezing noise* What? *continues making noise* *gasp* *sneezes* So sorry. *weak sneeze* *relieved* You know I’m a doctor, we can go in this room back here.
DON’T! Big Boss will see you. Look, there’s a guy. Oh, that’s a great guy. Where they going? Who is that man? SIT DOWN! Who is that? Got my stuff? They’re- They’re part of a gang. THEY’RE PART OF A GANG! They’re part of a gang? The stuff I asked for! I’m not playin’ with you, man. Lele: THEY’RE PART OF A GANG!
Hannah: A what?
Lele: A gang.
Hannah:The What?
Lele: A gang. Give it to him. What package? Did you see a package? No. Did I see a package? Lele:I didn’t see a package when I–
Hannah: Who’s package is that?
Lele: *speaks Spanish* I didn’t see a package.
Hannah: I didn’t see a package either. *laughs* Man, you know I love Christmas, man. Lele: Oh, it’s just a Christmas present!
Hannah: Oh! Matter of fact, you know what, I got somethin’ for you! *angrily snaps* Merry Christmas, Hannah, baby! For your girls, the rings you wanted. Wait a minute… *gasps* They’ll love it bro. Hannah: Is that *stammers*
Lele: Is that wedding rings? WE’RE GETTING MARRIED!!! *Both Scream* Oh My God! *Connection Gets L0st* *Static* Hannah: Get it- get it right now.
Lele: *speaks Spanish* is it working? Make it work. Lele: No, no, no, no!
Hannah: How is it not working? You know what? We saw everything we needed to see. Hannah: You’re right.
Lele: Yeah, we’re gonna get married.
Both: *Scream with excitement* They thought we didn’t know these were cameras. *plot twist* *laughs* Now that that’s cleared up.. Let’s get to the real deal. *laughs* *outro music* YO TYPING THIS HURT MY HANDS.. GO CHECK OUT THE IG @ash.k._
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