Debate Rises on Using Surplus for Financial Relief or Tax Cuts

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Governor Tim Walz and House Speaker Melissa Hortman urged Senate and House Republicans to return to the Capitol for a brief special session to pass $4 billion dollars in immediate financial relief for Minnesota families. They said their proposal would us a portion of the remaining $8 billion surplus to provide checks of $2000 to families and $1000 to individuals if an effort to alleviate rising inflation and high fuel prices. They addressed the media at a State Capitol press conference Wednesday, June 22.

Expressing frustration over the stalled special session discussions regarding the state surplus, Walz said, "Today it's going to be simple. Let's just take half of that surplus and send it back in the form of checks." Speaker Hortman said, "Minnesota families need assistance...The Governor and the House DFLers are still here. We're ready to work. We're ready to find compromises and address the challenges Minnesotans are facing."

Immediately following, House Minority Leader Kurt Daudt spoke to the press on the State Capitol steps, calling the proposal an election year gimmick. "This is a one-time check, just like any other government program, to send money back to Minnesotans in an election year, in desperation when the Governor can see his poll numbers dropping."

Senate Majority Leader Jeremy Miller met remotely with the media, and cited the Senate's $8.5 billion tax cut plan as the preferred solution. "I am confident that if we came back for a special session and brought up the $8.5 billion tax relief package that we passed in April, I believe we would get even stronger support in the Senate, and I am confident that it would get bipartisan support in the House as well."
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