7 Things EMS CE Podcast: EMS Education

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This is a preview of the 7 Things EMS Podcast: EMS Education with Dan Batsie.

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How do you take your EMS classroom to the next level? In this podcast, Dan Batsie will give you the information you need to make your classroom more effective and dynamic. Do you consider encoding, storage, and retrieval? Do you use spaced learning and interleaving? Have you given quizzes at end of class rather than at the start of the next class? If not, you should listen to the full podcast episode. It will change the way you teach.

How to get CE
2) Stream the podcast and take notes
3) Take the CE quiz
4) Pass the quiz and receive 1 hour of CAPCE-approved CE
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I agree with Dan Batsie. Adult learning is different. I went through EMT training at 68 years old. The course had a lot of text book (Limmer) and PowerPoint (painful). An obsticle to improving how EMS are trained are state requirements, so many hours of lecture and lab. Unfortunately, the two are not necessary synched either. Changing how a course is presented will be a huge challenge across the states. Perhaps introduce dynamic learning settings at the national level and sponsor pilot programs at the local level. The other consideration is Gen-Z students. In my class I noticed many recent high school grads lacked reading, comprehension and study skills to get through the class. Out of the 18 starters, 7 took the NR. I certanly found the 300 hour course academically challenging and I have a BA, MA along with post-grad hours from my military career. Gen-Z'ers are much different than us Boomers, so a dynamic learning environment could be just the ticket to more through-put without compromising standards. Plowing though a 1375 page textbook and a 100 slide PPt deck per chapter is not the way to go. My nickles worth anyway.
