HackerRank Problem Solution 4 - Anagrams
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#hackerrank #hackerranksolutions #java #hashmap #anagrams #anagram
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#hackerrank java basic certification answers
Two strings, and , are called anagrams if they contain all the same characters in the same frequencies. For this challenge, the test is not case-sensitive. For example, the anagrams of CAT are CAT, ACT, tac, TCA, aTC, and CtA.
Function Description
Complete the isAnagram function in the editor.
isAnagram has the following parameters:
string a: the first string
string b: the second string
boolean: If and are case-insensitive anagrams, return true. Otherwise, return false.
#hackerrank java
#hackerrank java problem solving
#hackerrank java basic certification answers
Two strings, and , are called anagrams if they contain all the same characters in the same frequencies. For this challenge, the test is not case-sensitive. For example, the anagrams of CAT are CAT, ACT, tac, TCA, aTC, and CtA.
Function Description
Complete the isAnagram function in the editor.
isAnagram has the following parameters:
string a: the first string
string b: the second string
boolean: If and are case-insensitive anagrams, return true. Otherwise, return false.