My Top 10 WORST Disney Animated Sequels

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I know I said I had to work on a paper but I just got an urge to make this video, which didn't take long to make. I do wanna make it clear that I think Disney sequels get too much hate and there aren't that many bad ones. Numbers 10 and 9 aren't awful in my opinion, just really bad. But it's because of movies like these that give sequels a bad name.

Some dishonorable mentions are (In no particular order) Atlantis: Milo's Return, Brother Bear 2, Pooh's Heffalump Movie, Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie, Cars 3, and The Lion King 1 1/2. Also, just so you know what sequels I consider good that weren't in my top 15 best Disney sequels list, here are the Disney sequels I consider mediocre, The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea and Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True. I also don't count the movie Tarzan and Jane as a legit sequel because it's really just three episodes from the TV series in a special, like what the show Recess would do sometimes. I also don't count Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams as a real sequel because it's obviously meant for little girls that watch Dora the Explorer and stuff like that. It's not meant for an older audience. The rest of the sequels I consider either good or great but that's just my unpopular opinion.

Please keep in mind that this is just my personal opinion and any rude comments will be removed and anyone who continues to post rude comments after I deleted their previous comments will be blocked. I hope you guys like it and comment letting me know what you think. Enjoy!
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I wish Belles Magical World was number 1 for the worst. Because the sequel looks like Beauty and the Beast except watered down for preschoolers!


....did they just low key rip off that one scene from The Lion King with Jungle Book 2?



I absolutely agree with your list. My number 1 least favorite sequel is Cinderella 2.


what are your thoughts on the lilo & stitch sequels & Kronk's New Groove?


😭😭😭😭 i don’t understand why do you hate Ariel’s beginning?


I already know the third Little Mermaid will be here, and I like that movie (I can admit it isn't great) but I'll watch anyway. Heck, I'm bound to agree overall.

It's a shame because a few of these movies have beautiful animation. What a waste of talent!
But seriously, who half-assed these scripts?
Oh geez. I remember not being able to finish the Fox and the Hound sequel. Seeing THAT clip made me wonder what they were on.
I'm ashamed that I once liked Mulan 2.
Even the previously mentioned Ariel's Beginning is a little worse than I remember it being.
I'd keep blabbing, but I WOULDN'T WANT TO PEEL YOUR PAINT!


Peter Pan 2 is horrible too! Same for TLM 2 Return to the Sea!


I haven’t seen Number 10 in a while, all though when Pocahontas hair blows in the wind it serious hair porn. Number 9 is forgettable and the only thing memorable is the little girl. Number 8 Hunchback of Notredame 2 the best part was Maddie and Quasimodo falling in love. Number 7 Tarzan 2 I think should have been have been about Tarzan and Jane’s children being raised in the jungle . Number 6 I agree on Little Mermaid’s Ariel Beginning the animation is gorgeous and Ariel’s Sisters got a better look but there are so were so many opportunities. Number 5 I haven’t seen in a while but I have the Original. Mulan 2 wasn’t that bad to me I loved when Mulan showed the little girls what she learned but looking back there seemed to be a lot of angst between Mulan and Shang. (Live Action Mulan I am on the fence about simply because they cut Shang from the movie) Cars 2 I am not sure if I have seen it I think I did. Then again Owen Wilson voices Lightning Maqueen but ugh he can’t act for shit. Ugh I see we are back to the Beast behaving like a five year old and I am back to cringing at his chewing. I have never seen Planes 2 but again it’s a knock off of Cars or a sequel to Cars I cannot tell. Most of these movies on the list like Ariel’s Beginnings more Like Little Mermaid Wasted Opportunities. Are you going to do best characters from horrible movies and worst characters from great movies? Are you also going to do best and worst couples? If you do worst couples please put Jaige on the list so I can see the “Nothing is ever your fault” scene that is my favorite moment because Paige finally had enough of Jake’s bull shit. Do you have a list of crack ships or no? Sorry for so many questions but I really love hearing what you have to say.
