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Here it is, finally.
Find in this video the world tour of Medieval Windenburg.

But what is Medieval Windenburg ?

Medieval Windenburg is a mod that I created where I replaced, removed and retexture a lot of things in the world so that it resemble a real medieval world !

If you wan to watch a review of this mod, here it is :


Ca y est enfin !

Cette vidéo est une visite guidée complète de Medieval Windenburg.

Mais c'est quoi Medieval Windenburg ?

C'est un mod que j'ai créée où je retire, remplace et retexture pleins de chose dans le monde pour qu'il ressemble enfin à un vrai monde médiéval. Il ne s'agit donc pas d'une sauvegarde de partie, ni de terrains mais bien de tous les éléments du monde (que vous ne pouvez pas modifier dans le jeu) qui sont médiévalisés !

Si vous voulez regarder un review du mod c'est par ici :


Musics from the witcher 3, dragon age origin, dragon age and hildegard von blingen


Sur Pinterest :

Vous pouvez aussi visiter mon site pour télécharger les cc que je crée :


*PS* n'hésitez pas à me dire si vous avez besoin d'une type de vidéo précis.

Рекомендации по теме

You know what’s crazy? I spent a good couple hours trying to re-build Windenburg to fit my decades challenge and then I saw this as I’m about to go to bed


This is where I feel sims 4 could have really shined since everything is instanced. Windenburg could have been a medieval world your sims could move to, the world could of had a toggle to play in it with a challenge or no challenge. The no challenge lets the world act as any other world. Playing with a challenge removes access to electronics (including cellphones) making sims have to mail letters instead and go to the farm or a market for food.

I guess it would have been nice if they made worlds offer the player a new experience instead of just always adding a new empty world that offers the same thing every other world offers, except it has a different aesthetic.


This is amazing, thank you so much for creating this! I already had a medieval fantasy save file and this mod is just what I needed.


I added this to my playlist. I listen to it when I need to relax. The way you have the birds and background noises in the back is just perfect!


you had me at that statue. holy crap. this is phenomenal. i'll be downloading this straight away! medieval is always my favorite style in the sims, and they never do it, lol. can't believe we got star wars before that! thanks so so much <3


I've spent a week downloading the windenburg world (following your advice ) and all maggies-cottage-corner builds...all i can say is WoW Wow Wow. There isn't enough adjectives to say how truly amazing and skilled you guys are Thankyou, having never modded my sims I've learned a lot and appreciate the huge amount of work and time these projects must have taken. again Thankyou.


This is so cool! I don't usually do historical gameplay, but you're making me want to give it a try!


this is breathtakingly beautiful - and the very thing that I think will bring me back to TS4, even if only for a little while.
I would love to play TS4 entirely like this so I really hope you plan to do other worlds - but if you decide not to, Windenburg is more than enough.... thank you so much for all your hard work!!


This is incredible! It must have been so much work! I already have a medieval save going in this neighborhood so this is perfect for me, the modern areas always irritated me.


this is incredible!!!! I just wish there was a maxis match version as I like the look of the og game so much


Oh my God! that's awesome, really! I love the medieval theme. And I'm currently in the process of building a small population for a medieval world for my game play. And I often get annoyed that the worlds are far too modern and simply not suitable for the topic. THAT is really wonderful, I hope you will also revise some other worlds (I voted for Henford ^^), so the game will surely be even more fun for the medieval fans. Thanks for this incredible mod :) ❤🧙‍♂️⚔


amazing. C'est magnifique, quel boulot pour faire ça !! J'admire franchement ! J'ai besoin d'un monde médiéval pour une histoire et un long challenge. Ce monde sera parfait ! Je vais l'installer sur mon jeu de suite ! Le preset de reshade que tu utilises donne un rendu très intéressant, j'aime beaucoup. Quant a la musique, j'ai reconnu car j'ai joué à ces jeux !


This is the most amazing thing ever. Thank you for by your kindness and effort!!


It is a beautiful work, thank you very much for sharing it with the rest of us mortals


J'adooore ça a du être un travail titanesque 😱 je pense que je vais installer le map replacement pour gagner un jeu plus au moins "vanilla" mais 😍


Extraordinary! That must have taken ages.. Thank you so much for sharing!


Yay! Been waiting months for this to be released. Thanks for all your hard work


It's a shame we don't have a sequel to The Sims Medieval, that game was underrated, unique, with great potetial. I've tried games like "The Guild 2", which has similar elements of RPG and life simulation, but this one doesn't have 1% of the charisma and quality of The Sims, unfortunately.


This is making me want to make Kingdom Come in TS4 haha even though I don't do historical gameplay yet


This is amazing, and I'm in awe! Really makes me yearn for a medieval TS4!
But you might want to write something about the songs in the description.. I recognised a Dragon Age Origins track, and a cover or two by Hildegard von Blingin'! I'm sure she would appreciate the credit!
