CRISPI. Skarven evo initial impression

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Man, the boot topic is surprisingly complex. I usually end up bringing a couple pairs on my hunting trips in CO because the weather conditions can vary a lot in the mountains over a 1 week hunt. I've been in the habit of bringing an extra pair of socks for the same reasons you described, but those insoles look like a good option as well.


I've heard good things about Evos. The Pedags looked interesting.


I hunt whitetails in eastern Ohio it usually drops well below 0 during late bow season. Them insoles look would probably help me out alot! If you had to choose between Crispi or Kennatrek what would you choose? I'm super hard on boots and never had a really good pair.


Dunno why you would need insolation for a boot. Just wear a thick sock and loosen up the straps ;D. So many gimmicky stuff nowadays -- people throw money at anything o_o ... and if that wasnt worthy of critique, then at least this practice of downgrading older models by making a version 2 that is worse and taking the old model off the market so you kinda have to buy into the gimmicky stuff. After enough years, people forget. Big companies know this. The buy-and-throw-away is built into the system. There is hardly any new technology that people havent tried. Walking is walking, and has been like that for thousands of years. Some companies are trying to sell you "repairable shoes" with really long guarantees, like the Alfa Impact A/P/S GTX, but I see this as just another ploy to figure out something new people are willing to buy. Hopefully, I will be able to find someone that are willing to help me with replacing the sole of my crispi boots.
