Back To Basics: Common English Words You May Mispronounce 😯

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#StayHome and Learn #WithMe - Let's practice correct pronunciation 🚀 I’m sharing 5 common English words that you could be mispronouncing.

You'll learn how to pronounce women; children; Wednesday; Advise & Advice

Read the full transcript of this lesson on my blog here:

#StayHomeWithMe #StayHome #WithMe #Learn #mmmEnglish #PronunciationPractice #BackToBasics #EnglishPractice #mmmEnglishPronunciation #YouTubeTeacher #EnglishWithEmma

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Рекомендации по теме

My neighbors have seven children and they are chilling out. When I was a child we lived by the sea, and I used to collect seashells. Some polish men marry a lot of women. But a wise man only marry one woman who will dedicate her life to her husband. Women are the backbone of the Nations. If I put my mind to something I can do it. I'm sorry I can't go shopping with you, I'm little busy at the moment. Maybe next time. Wendy loved Wednesday because she had ballet lessons every Wednesday. I likeTom, because he always give good advice. In my country when a young lady get marry.Her mother advised her to keep her mouth shut. That is true story. Thank you very much Teacher Emma. May Almighty God bless you and your whole family ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


mam your a good teacher. Mam gives you a big salute. mam, I just follow your videos last two weeks. your English is easy to learn and understand. now I need your help but that all get from your videos. now I am studying and follow your old video I think that videos posted 4 years ago. now I am English practice on your Idea. I think your English classes maybe make big changes in me


Initially I thought that I need only to be fluent in speaking.Then I realised in the journey of learning that the proper pronounciation of words and letters makes us more impressive and appealing ... That's where the beauty of every language lies, I' d say.. Thanks *DEAR EMMA*💞


I consider myself an advanced english speaker. However, your videos still teach me a lot of new things every time I watch them. I had no idea about the stressed and unstressed forms of can! Thank you :)


"sometime English is unfair to you" I just feel the same way.
You are a legend.


I have been watching your vedios for four years but this year is different because i never dare to write a comment or i didn't subscribe the channel even, I really appreciate your efforts and you help me so much, I wish all the world be fine and to be allowed to travel again and have this chance to meet you, it will be an honor really, you are so beautiful by the way, And deep deep in my heart I want to speak English like native speakers hmm or at least to speak it clearly and correctly . Many thanks beautiful Emma. 🏆❤


I strongly agree..Sometimes is very important back to basics...and also review what we already learned..
Great video Emma !!! Congratulations


Emma Jakobi is the best english teacher of the 21st century 👍🏻💚👍🏻💚👍🏻💚 thnx for your each one of perfect video lessons...


Amazing video! Those pronunciation of these words are truly confusing especially to those who are learning English in non-English speaking countries. It is good to hear these words from the horse's mouth; they came from Emma's mouth like pearls.


Thanks Emma for this class, sometimes people pronounce some wrong words that they doesn't really know or doesn't know enough expressions that everyone says in a conversation; and you are there to help us with your Australian English accent. I have an old dictionary here at my house which shows the corret way of speak some word in a parentheses and thats make easy to learn. 😄
*You are the fairy of English!*


Thank you. I always get confused with advice and advise. You helped me a lot.


I really mispronounced all of these words! You're great! You really help me and many other people with our understanding English language! Thanks a lot for all your lessons. They're very helpful ☺☺


Hi Emma! Your lessons are always so insightful. I’m curious about the pronunciation differences between ‘woman’ and ‘women’. Could you explain why the vowel sound changes between the singular and plural forms? It’s fascinating how English pronunciation can be so nuanced. Thanks for helping us master these subtleties! 😊📚


The way to teach us English you beautiful teacher Emma is a total master technique. I'm very thankful with you for all your lessons.Ya so great woman the size no man on earth may value the shine of such beautiful eyes like yours.


Will you make videos on transition & useful linking words in English?


I'm also excited for the next lesson regarding (If I was or were)...


Emma i used to pronounce wednesday like your students. I was surprised to hear its correct usage. Thanks a lot emma.👍❤🌹Take care. Let god bless you. See you next week. Let God save all of us.


Hi teacher,
I think that the most difficulty is between can and can't. I have heard a very different pronunciation among English native speakers.
You has said a very important thing: 5 vowels and 20-odd sounds. It's crazy!!!🙃


Useful video I noticed that phonemic script are important too in order to improve our pronunciation. Thank you alot 😊


thank you, Emma, for examples with an advice/to advise! Earlier I wasn't sure about this difference!
