Who can relate to this song?..

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God, I'm strong but I just wanna cry because of how tired I am.


Who else cry’s when no one’s around but as soon as you hear footsteps you wipe your tears away and put that fake smile on? Or is it just me.


1. You have a great sense of style!
2. Your smile is contagious and brightens up any room.
3. You're a fantastic listener and always make people feel heard.
4. Your determination is inspiring.
5. You have a wonderful sense of humor.
6. Your kindness and compassion make a difference in the lives of others.
7. You're incredibly talented at [insert talent or hobby].
8. Your positive attitude is infectious.
9. You have a beautiful voice.
10. Your creativity knows no bounds.
11. You always find a way to brighten someone's day.
12. Your intelligence shines through in everything you do.
13. You have a heart of gold.
14. Your confidence is admirable.
15. You're a great problem solver.
16. Your generosity knows no limits.
17. You have a unique and captivating personality.
18. Your passion for life is inspiring.
19. You have a great eye for detail.
20. Your energy is contagious.
21. You're an amazing friend.
22. Your perseverance is commendable.
23. You have a great sense of humor and always make people laugh.
24. Your positivity is uplifting.
25. You have a natural talent for making people feel comfortable.
26. Your dedication to your goals is admirable.
27. You have a beautiful smile that lights up the room.
28. Your enthusiasm is infectious.
29. You're an incredibly supportive person.
30. Your determination is inspiring.
31. You have a great taste in music.
32. Your kindness and empathy make a difference in the world.
33. You have a natural talent for [insert talent or hobby].
34. Your optimism is refreshing.
35. You have a great sense of adventure.
36. Your creativity shines through in everything you do.
37. You're an amazing problem solver.
38. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated by everyone around you.
39. You have an incredible work ethic.
40. Your intelligence and quick thinking are impressive.
41. You have a great sense of humor and always make people laugh.
42. Your positivity is contagious.
43. You have a natural ability to make people feel loved and supported.
44. Your dedication to your passions is inspiring.
45. You have a beautiful voice that captivates everyone who hears it.
46. Your generosity and kindness are unmatched.
47. You have a unique and captivating personality that draws


I don’t know why I always cry watching these videos for no reason
Our childhood can never came back anytime but we can remember every time
I miss my childhood where i used yo watch cartoons and there was no stress, depression, anxiety etc


Devil Town by Cavetown, too.
"Mum and daddy aren't in love.
That's fine, I'll settle for two birthdays."
I was a stupid and naive optimist who tried to see positive things where there were none.


I I relate to this. I hope no one else does. I feel so bad for everyone who does depression is a real thing. Never call someone depressed because it can really hurt them


Right now, I can relate to this.

And the sad thing is, it's one's family that forgets you exist 😞


I felt this song
My father is not living with us.
And today he came for vacations but then had to go back for urgent purposes only my Allah know how much I cried today 💞😢


Oml I can't stop listening to this song it reminds me if my friend who drowned when I was 10


To my friends, I have no pain. To people, I have the perfect life because I'm always smiling and never sad. But what they don't know is that I'm dying on the inside


the way I love this song so much 😢...it's everything I have been through struggling physically, emotionally and mentally 😭. Listening reminds that I'm a lonely soul in this world💔. I have been dying inside and nobody sees the pain cos who will help you when nobody loves you😞😞😞😞😞


Not just listening feeling the words pain from the bottom of my heart


Come to Jesus all who are broken hearted and crushed in spirit and I the Lord will give you rest -Jesus🥺❤️‍🩹💖✝️❤️🫂🙏🏼


I can totally relate. I'm not my best right now and it's tough for me.... I have tried ti communicate but I can't. I feel like they don't understand


The people who can ask for help are always brave, idk about anyone else but there’s only one person ever that I’ve opened up to, because of all the trust issues and anxiety I have


💯 can relate to this. I fake my smile most the time. Everyone thinks I'm so happy but I'm not. I'm dying inside.


Zevia you are a beautiful soul...keep touching hearts.


You can rest but don't go e up. God is our guardian.. prayers for you.. may your days be eased by the Heavenly Father


please make it a full song. i love you 😘


I related this so much. This is how I feel every day. And I'm trying to fix it, but nothing is helping.
