Flight MH17 case against Russia to be heard by humans rights court - BBC News

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The European Court of Human Rights has confirmed it will hear a Dutch case against Russia over the downing of flight MH17 in 2014.

All 298 people on the Malaysia Airlines flight from Amsterdam were killed when it was shot down by a missile fired by Moscow-backed Ukrainian separatists.

The Dutch government argues that Russia's disinformation about Moscow's role in the incident is a violation of the relatives' human rights.

Russia denies the allegations.

#Russia #Netherlands #BBCNews
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2014, are you kidding. This should have been done and finished in 2015, not almost 10 years later.


It seems international courts will have backlog because of indifinite Russian cases


Rest in peace, MH17 pilots, staffs and passengers.


Human rights court for Yugoslav civilians killed by the USA?


The fact that ruzzia has a seat in the UN and other international organisations is mind-boggling.


This will probably still be another 10 years in the making.


Why? 8 YEARS later! Because it’s now “news worthy” these sort of things shouldn’t just be dealt with because other things are going on. It should of been delt with closer to the time


Two Malaysian Boeing 777-200ER: 9M-MRO and 9M-MRD were destroyed by the USA (SOCOM or USSOCOM), namely blown up with simulated external impact on the cockpit, presumably by objects with high kinetic energy. Three bombs, three explosions, the first in the forward cargo hold, it was from there that the first wreckage of the plane fell to the ground. They have traces of thermal and baric effects (internal explosion). The first bomb destroyed the plane, destroyed its fuselage at the LAST FDR POINT, so it is also the LAST CVR POINT. And two blown up in the already falling cockpit. Both of these explosive devices, as striking elements, had capsules with a chemical substance capable of burning through metal and thereby imitating penetration due to high kinetic energy. Only on flight MH370 there was a simulation and study of the consequences, followed by training of the Dutch and other accomplices, and flight MH17 became the main star of this operation under a false flag. MH17 took off from Amsterdam, so you can not get the truth from the Dutch. And also from the Americans, and therefore everyone in NATO, from the British, and therefore everyone in the British Commonwealth (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, ..) and from the Kiev puppet regime, you can not wait. All of them are involved in this.


Against Russia? The whole country and everyone inside??


We're sorry for losing Flight MH 17 please rest the peace pilots and passengers


Me watch the thumbnail.

“Who spent thousands of hours sitting on the glasses puzzling all these debris together ?”


BBC, I watched the last 30 videos from the channel in a row and saw that in 28 the hosts in the TV studio were women, and only in two were men. Why you discriminate against men and don't let them work in the studio?


Propaganda is what the West does. The plane was flying at a speed of about 900 km/ h (250 m /s), and therefore the initial speed of its wreckage was the same. The wind was about 60 km/h and the side was slightly tailwind and its signicance dropped as it descended, the Dutch did not consider the demolition of the wreckage by the wind, since they do not have wreckage (as indicated in the DSB report), they simply deceived with beautiful formulas and did not make calculations on them. And they drew a curve based on the actual location of the wreckage. It is located to the north of the trajectory that they are trying to pass off as the actual one, and starts at the LAST point of the FDR (which the DSB takes as the point of detonation of an anti-aircraft missile), and it did not depend on the wind, because the plane's frames and things from the cargo compartment differ in weight and size (air ducts with traces of thermal exposure, from the cargo container, the lining with the inscription Malaysia, passenger seats) they are not from the cabin of MH17, the wreckage lies nearby, and 3.8 km back to the last point of the FDR. The curve of debris propagation depends on where the plane was flying and how and from where it began to collapse. It began to collapse from the front cargo compartment, where the explosive device was located.


Human rights in West. We hear about this strange thing sometimes, when West needs to achieve some political goal. Human rights are not human and not rights. It is a political weapon, not more.


One question. If guilty, what will you do?? Nothing at all


The corpses of people from the plane broke the roofs of private houses for local residents and no one compensated for their repairs!!


did they find out who blew up that pipeline yet 🤔


This is huge.
Finally, national accountability is happening for damage done to civilians.
If this succeeds, it will stop war crimes.


Russia? Pay compensation? Sooner and more probable are we all to win the lottery at the same time.


Good time to specialize in war crimes if you’re a law student … Russia looking to provide you with job security for the rest of your natural life …
