it's time to take back your throne | war storm playlist

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WARNING: this video contains flashing lights (27:33 - 37:39) which may not be suitable for photosensitive epilepsy.

this playlist is based on the novel War Storm, the fourth installment to the Red Queen series, by Victoria Aveyard. so yes, this is the continuation to the "surrendering yourself in exchange for your loved ones" playlist.

this playlist originally contained more songs, but i thought it wouldn't make sense to those who are not familiar with the book, so i had to make some cuts. this is my most favorite playlist so far, and i'm really excited about it!

i do not own any of the materials used in this video. all rights reserved to their respective owners
my channel is not monetized (this means I am not in charge of the ads in the videos I upload)
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WARNING: this video contains flashing lights (lightning storms at 27:33 - 37:39) which may not be suitable for photosensitive epilepsy.

00:00 Ruelle – Empires
03:36 Tommee Profitt, Fleurie – Noble Blood
07:13 Tommee Profitt, Fleurie -Who Will Save Us
09:51 Tommee Profitt, Fleurie – Hurts Like Hell
13:44 ADONA – Climb
17:20 Aloe Blacc, AG – I’m Comin’ Home
20:29 AG, Dresage – How Soon Is Now
23:25 Hidden Citizens, REMMI – Stay Alive
27:24 Tommee Profitt, Fleurie – Soldier
31:06 Katie Garfield – Warfare
34:44 Tommee Profitt, Fleurie – Welcome To The Jungle
37:38 Tommee Profitt, Liv Ash – Ready For War
41:23 Tommee Profitt, Beacon Light – Rebel Renegade
44:21 Tommee Profitt, Fleurie – Gloria Regali
47:37 Tommee Profitt, Fleurie – Undone


I cant be the only one who finds this playlist to be perfect for studying, doing homework and writing nonsense papers


You’ve basically just put together a whole movie… and I completely love the soundtrack of it 😄🤍


Math homeworks and deadlines have never been so dramatic like this.


. Seriously nowadays I spend my time listening these pov playlists and reading all these comments 💀 .. and I'm loving it


She picked up her bloodied sword, and rose before the enemy. Her body hurt, but her heart hurt more. As she stood in front of the enemy she could see him. Memories flashed through her mind, as she watched him smile at the sight of her. She loved him with all she had, but he never loved her back.

She bore her secrets to him, her desirers, her every waking thought. But it was all useless, he used her to gain information, and to make her weak.

So, as she stood there bloodied sword in hand, she spoke. The words were soft, but held so much in them.

"You broke my heart, " She breathed in and exhaled. Her voice steady as she spoke the next set of words.

"So now, I will break yours."

Before he could process what she was saying. Her sword was through the man's black damaged armor, and it was now peaking through his back. The man looked up, his blue eyes fading into nothing. Blood poured from his mouth, and he fell.

A tear slid down her cheek. She could not figure out whether she was happy, or she was sad. She had just won, but she felt like she had just lost at the same time.


“You’ll never sit comfortably on my throne.” The woman had whispered through her bloodied lip and broken teeth. Her voice held the strength of a hundred storms and her eyes burned with the intensity of the sun.

He had laughed at that and struck her head from her body. At the time it had seemed an empty threat from a woman who had lost it all. Still he remembered those words and they rustled in his ears like the sound of leaves in a forest in his dreams.

Her words screamed in his ears when he heard that one had survived. A bastard daughter but her daughter all the same. Still the daughter was a child that had not even reached her tenth birthday yet and he left her alone. She was no threat.

The words burnt into his skin over the years as the child grew and his paranoia increased. He saw a rebellion in every shadow and whispered word from a courtier. It was then the executions of nobles and citizens began all in the vain attempt to stop his fear. It did not.

He had half destroyed the country by the time the child came. Though the bastard daughter was no longer a child but a newly formed queen. She already had proclaimed herself the rightful queen of his land and had been coronated in the temple of her grandfather.

He chuckled madly at every battle his army lost and heard no words from his advisers only the words that woman had spoken. They vibrated in his head and branded every part of his skin. He now never left the throne and clutched onto it tightly.

The child came for him herself. His army had abandoned him and his advisers fled. Still he sat on the throne. She came into the throne room flanked by men that he recognised and men that were as unfamiliar as the sun was to him now.

The child looked every inch a queen and despite her eyes being a different colour to her mother’s they held the same fire. He laughed at her and repeated the words “you’ll never sit comfortably on my throne.”

The girl laughed at him and replied “it was never yours to begin with.” Then she struck his head from his body as he had done her mother.


I’m in love with everything related to this playlist the title, the vibe, songs, the video, etc. What only can describe this is its a masterpiece ✨👏🏻


just casually waiting for writers to arrive


A chuckle bubbled up in my throat, through the tangy taste of copper that dripped from my split lip.

"Why are you laughing?!" He demanded, looking down at me with hate in his eyes. "I took everything from you! Your family, your lover, your people, your throne!" He looked down at the deceptively delicate circle of gold that I clutched in my hand. With deft fingers, he plucked it out of my numb fingers. "Your crown." He sneered. Without even hesitating, he settled the jeweled band onto his own head. "I have won, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me."

I grinned, and waited the scant few seconds that it needed to kick in.

He stumbled slightly, and began blinking rapidly as a confused look crossed his face. He clutched at his throat, his face turning red as he struggled to draw breath.

I started laughing again as I pushed myself to my feet and swayed slightly from the movement. "Is something wrong?" It was obviously a rhetorical question as he fell to his knees. "Oh, you thought that was my crown." I chuckled, and shook my head. "Yeah no. That crown is one that is traditionally gifted to enemies of the crown." I explained as his face turned redder and redder. "It has a few hidden compartments in it that are filled with enough cyanide to kill a horse."

I knelt next to him as he gasped for what was likely his last breath of air. "When you get to hell, give the devil my regards. My debt to him is paid in the blood of my greatest enemy, and my throne is once more mine."


I don't think you understand how perfect this is. So, I was reading A clash of kings (second part of A Song of Ice and Fire, ie. Game of thrones) and wanted some music to ✨ set the mood ✨. This playlist pops up, "This will fit well with the theme of the book", I think to myself. I play the playlist and, like, 15 minutes in I look at my phone to see where in the playlist am I JUST TO SEE THE SERIES BEING PLAYED IN THE BACKGROUND. You, good person, have made the absolute perfect playlist for this book.


"I was once a hero too."

His voice hoarse as he speaks, his eyes captivating my soul. I knew he was hurting and he wanted to just let out those tears that he's been holding back since God knows when. His eyes are as cold and intense as a snow storm.

"I was delusional. And I wanted to save everyone. Just like you. But you know what?" His palm grasped my face as the blade of the knife stayed against the skin of my neck. 

"Life doesn't let you be a hero. It breaks you, it destroys you, it gets you on your knees until give in." He gritts clasping the blade a little further as I gasp out a little, my wrists behind me cuffed.

"Maybe you didn't try hard enough." I speak, my voice numb as the words leave my lips. 

His eyes met mine as I felt the thrilling contact in my bones. Pure hate reflected in them, the burning desire just to slit my throat but the chains of fidelity towards the authority restrained him. 

He leans forward, the tips of our noses brush against each other as I part my mouth a little to control my breathing. 

"You think you're superior?" A mirage of a scowl at the corner of his lips. His green eyes looked through me. 

"No. I'm not superior." I speak. "I'm brave."

"You're playing a risky game and you're not aware of the consequences." He mutters.

I let out a small laugh, provoking him further as his grip tightens around the knife and I felt the slightest pinch against my neck. 

"You're not strong enough to survive the storm, darling." He whispers into my ear.

"I don't have to be, cuz I am the storm." I whisper.

"Go ahead then, paint me as a villain in your story." He speaks before gliding the dagger on my skin smoothly.

"Because I'll gladly be the one to end you." 

A subtle challenge comes onto me, a smile curling up the corner of my lips.
"You can't end me. You don't own that kind of power."

My Wattpad is @Louisgurl1D if you wanna know :) im writing a similar story (enemies to lovers) that'll be up by October 💅🏻


"You could have ruled with me, you know." He rights his crown, looking down at me with cold eyes. I snarl, though my heart splinters for the boy I knew. The boy he was.

"No. I couldn't. Not if it would have lead to this." And around us lay bodies. The dead, the dying, all covered in blood.

"You mourn for them." His lip raises as he gestures to the fallen with a look of contempt.

"As you should, but seem unable to do." He does nothing but scoff.

"Father never mourned. Not even for our mother."

"Father was cruel, he cared for nothing. No one. How I hoped you wouldn't end up the same."

"But you weren't there to stop it from happening, where you?" He yell, suddenly enraged. "You left! You left, and hid, and turned away from your family! From me! You left me with him! Alone."

"A choice I will forever regret. As I will this." And then, before he can react, I call on my magic. With everything I have left, with the last of my will, I form a blade with no equal, and I stab it through my brother's heart.

"What-" He falls to his knees, shock evident on his face as blood begins to fall from his mouth. He looks at me then, eyes wide.

"Forgive me, little brother." Slowly, I crawl over to him. Just as he is about to fall, I catch him, gently holding him in my lap. The crown rolls off his head.

"Forgive me." And as the cool light fades from his eyes, I pray to the saints. I beg each and every one of them to forgive him, to grant him eternity in peace.

I look around me, tears falling from my cheeks, taking in all the carnage.

We won.




POV: You're an evil queen and a rebellion rises against you.

"That throne does not belong to you anymore, it never has." A rebel yelled. His fellows cheered in agreement with him. They rebels had gathered outside of the gates of my castle. There were a lot of them. Too many to count.
Recently, the "Brave Men Rebels" have gotten increasing support from my people. They're loud mouths spouting nonsense that my people have gone to believe. Pathetic really, these rebels. I would honor a worthy opponent but these... these traitors are not worthy of my sympathy. There is one thing they are worthy of and one thing only. My wrath.
"Make these easier on us sweetheart and surrender to us." Another rebel called out. There loud voice can be heard to my ears as I step onto the top of the gate and face these traitors myself. There is no perfect queen. There can never be one but I tried my best. Blood, sweat, and tears were poured onto my throne as soon as I sat on it. For these anarchist to call it the names they say, revolts me. My love's life was taken as I fought for my throne. It was his dream to see me, see both of us ruling together. Unfortunately, his life was snuffed out before he could. I will continue his dream and continue the responsibility I was given. I will protect this country like it's my own heart and never, never, let anyone unworthy take it.
"Kill the Evil Queen!" They started chanting. A grin crawled on my expression.
"Thank you for the booming entrance, you snakes." I hissed. I was angry. Angry at the thought they can take my throne so easily.
Despite the second of silence after my words they continue their chants of my death.
"Anyone, " I yelled out, "anyone who does not want to lose their life at my hands are free to leave right now. Those who stay, well... get ready to end up in hell." I snarled and snapped my neck. I gave a wide smile to the rebels. No one moved at first then they slowly started to leave. The thousands slowly became hundreds.
My deafening laugh gave out causing a flash of fear on the remaining rebels faces.
The rebel who was so vocal in the beginning yelled out, "You're a murder, a fake, who does not deserve this crown."
I gave out a loud sigh. These idiots. "I fully deserve this throne. I fought for it for it is rightfully mine. Those who go against me, sadly are six feet below ground which where you will be soon." I picked up my bow and an arrow.
"You started this war. I will quickly end like nothing ever happened." I place my arrow against my bow and pulled it back.
"You may win this battle but you won't-, " win the war blah blah blah. Before he could finish whatever trash he was saying an arrow pierced his head. The other rebels turned pale white with fear everywhere.
"I've already won."


This playlist is a holy treasure for planning, studying and moving forward. Thank you so much, adore your choices of songs❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


You were crowned as the new ruler of your kingdom, You lift your chin up with no emotion as the citizens cheered with pride and satisfaction. You uphold your kingdom's legacy as you broke your marriage the heir of the emperor's request, You have ruled with pride and power among your territories.
"I will bring our kingdom to new heights."
The crowd burst into cheers and smiles, You sighed in relief as this made you felt the calming storm before destruction hit. You had passion and hopes as you strive to rule the kingdom's territories, You heard a loud thunder as you felt 5 unknown scents emerged with the wind. You had a small smile as three bursts into your private office, You stood up expressing a calming yet intimidating aura
The two motioned into a fighting stance yet the third one lunged themselves at you, You sighed as you unsheathed your sword. It felt time slowed down or it was you? Your slashes were lightning, Unknowing where it lands yet it deals fatal damage.

You were known as the gracious hunter by the east, Bl00d trickled onto your sword as you observed their features wanting to know who are they? "How Unfortunate." You said as you open your window, You look up upon the moon. It shined brightly as the breezing wind uncovers the scent of fresh bl00d and also a small prey "Let the hunting, Begin." You said as your aura was devouring the room, It was cold yet terrifying.


I love your red queen playlists so much ❤


Hard to put into words how much this collection speaks to me. Thank you


read in the exact minute: 41:23

"Sebastian was sitting on a sort of small throne facing the painting, with his body slightly tilted to the side. His legs were resting on the floor and the black pants turned his leg muscles, which were supported by the feet, which rested one on the bench structure and the other on the floor. His arms were positioned laterally, with a slight fold, as if he were just sitting down and staring at the person watching him. His white skin contrasted with the dark environment that surrounded him.
His darker hair than the starry sky behind him was messy, causing slight shadows in the eye region. His lips were serious, showing a slight innocence, like a pure and obedient angel. And your eyes... his eyes were the devil himself incarnate. The war itself, hypnotizing all those who looked, failing to swerve to another corner but that. The clear blue was not like the calm sea, it was like a rough sea, showing all the lust, all the malice involved behind it.
The eyes squandered the sexuality of a nocturnal being, as if it were already present in his blood, but not to the point of confusing them with sex. The malice snarls in them was much deeper than that mere sin. It was deception itself and the very doom. He was like the angel and the demon in one, showing his true nature: danger. He showed beauty in danger and called you to get involved, like a siren song, challenging you to provoke him."
