Muay Boran vs Muay Thai: Revealing the Differences

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Muay Thai originated from Muay Boran, but what are the differences between the two? Watch out this video to find out! (There are few subtle differences that nobody mentions!)

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Muay Nam is the Muay Boran style I'm developing. It was born by applying the principles of Jeet Kune Do to a mix of many Muay Boran styles, which have been refined in a modern and practical way, with the influence of many combat sports and martial arts from all around the world (Old British Bare Knuckle Boxing, Lethwei, Taekwondo, Boxing, Wushu, MMA, various ancient and contemporary Wrestling styles).



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These were the main differences but there are more, let me know in the comments if you know any other!


I never knew how much diversity was in Muay Boran, Its kind of just an umbrella term for many different styles that cover everything, kind of like kung fu as the umbrella term for Chinese martial arts. Both are almost like MMA before MMA, they cover ground kicking clinching throwing sweeping trapping boxing etc. with certain systems specializing or focusing on certain areas. Its truly a wonderful and rich tradition, thanks for enlightening me


I tried to briefly study Muay Boran a while ago, I could never really find any specifics like what I found here. Very insightful video, khawp khun brother


Muay Thai - Martial arts for sport
Muay Boran - Martial arts for war


Obviously this would make a lot of sense as traditional arts were usually battlefield arts. Great video and thank you!


Interesting, I study muay thai at gym where we sometimes also practice muay boran I was aware of some of the differences but not to this extent
Nice and informative video! Keep them coming


There's a lot of individual differences between Muay Thai and Boran, but we can say generally they're differ to each other due to his propose.
Thai is for competition sake and Boran is to war propose.
A lot of people missjugde it thinking that Boran is stronger than Thai cause it was made for war, but that is not the truth.
Boran is made to figth against multiple enemies so the focus is diffused, it's more all-round, have some wrestling skills and is a Co-op art, since in an army, you barely see a 1vs1 combat, so taking low guard enemies down, attacking the back and that sort of thing is the goal during a war.
Thai in the other side, is focused on 1vs1 strategy, the figther is more oriented to pay attention only in opponent in your face, you pay attention with his kicks, head movement and all, you're generally will be aiming for a counter.
You don't need to kill, or KO you opponent to win, so you can focus more in defense and volume strikes like jabs, low kicks and etc.
Just like traditional jiu-jitsu vs Brazilian-Jiu-Jitsu. BJJ is for competition sake, so different from war jiu-jitsu, we have a plenty of chains and groundwork, transitions, locks and etc, things that are impossible to do during a war, since a enemy can just stab your back while you're are rolling whit each other in the ground.


Muay Boran is very similar if not exactly the same as Lethwei, a.k.a Burmese Boxing. I'm just glad you are highlighting Muary Boran, too many people praise Muay Thai because it is a better transitional combat system for MMA. People need to know that there are other, more effective systems for fighting outside of the usual norms that everyone is used to.


Muay Boran is to Kung Fu, as Muay Thai to Sanda/Sanshou.
Both MB and KF are umbrella martial arts due to the many variations/styles. Both Sanda and Muay Thai were made a little after WW1 (around 1920s-1930s) sanda however didn’t become accessible to civilians till the 60s or 70s.


I am a Muay Thai fighter who has recently started Muay Boran lessons. Muay Boran is better for learning how to defend in a real street fight, while Muay Thai is a combat sport in a boxing ring with boxing gloves!


Muay Boran is well rounded, Muay Thai is limited. Muay Boran is for the battlefield, Muay Thai is for the ring. Muay Boran technical prowess is influence by the weapons(Krabi Kabong), Muay Thai technical prowess is semi-similar too American boxing and kickboxing. Muay Boran has techniques created for killing, Muay Thai has techniques tailored towards knockout's and sweep takedown. All together, Muay Thai is nothing but a byproduct of Muay Boran, created for entertainment, Muay Boran is a art base on battlefield survival and technical applications too handle your attacker. All in all, differences of the 2 is already their. Instead of differences, modernize applications from Muay Thai can polish Muay Boran traditional applications by making it more flowing and less stagnant.


Very useful video, short, knowledgeable and straight to the point.


I’ve wanted a video that gave me a quick sense of the difference 🙏 I think I would still favor Muay Thai for self-defense training because I know that the method you spar with is the method you will fight with. Thai Boxing, to me, is the ultimate bang-for-the-buck martial art. 🤘


Really enjoyed this upload - not much info out there on MB


Excellent video ! Congratulations. It was very interesting and instructive. I loved to watch it. Thank you for sharing it 🙏🏽.


I went into Wing Chun after watching Ip Man. My friend went into Muay Thai after watching Ong Bak. My gym taught what Donny Yen did in those films. Sadly, my friend's gym never taught what Tony Jaa did and I can see why that is now. Some martial arts are unfortunately so rarely found.


Never even heard of Muay Boran until Tony Jaa, amazed me In Ong Bak with it. Wish he made more films as a young man, so much better than Jet Li and Jackie Chan.


So basically Muay Thai is a sport-game, but Muay Boran is a killing technique.


Comparing Muay Thai with Muay Boran is like comparing Judo with Japanese Jujutsu.


1:30 De Cesaris (Rome) great trainer of Muay Thai Boran.
