SCRUM SUCKS – AND I will tell you why! SCRUM IS A FAILURE Part 1 #shorts

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SCRUM is a failure - Part 2 This one was so popular, that it needed a 2nd take.

Don't get me wrong - I actually love the core principles of AGILE, and I implement KANBAN on every team I run. But SCRUM is an abomination.

Hi - I am Spencer Thomason, founder of StartupHakk as well as other companies. I love talking about the fundamentals of being a developer. I have been a developer for 25 years on amazing projects and companies and I love talking about it - so make sure you like and subscribe to the channel.

I am going to go over some posts that I found online, and talk about why I agree with these folks the SCRUM is a failure.

This is a fun one titled: “Chaos, crappy code, cost overruns”
The Church of Agile is being corrupted from within by institutional forces that [can’t] adapt to the radical humanity [of] collaborative, self-organizing, cross-functional teams. … Agile wasn’t supposed to be this way. [and I pause here. This might be a little stronger than I think, but I have said over and over that SCRUM is how non-technical people try to manage (or might we say control) technical things. - Back to the post]

Agile is supposed to be centered on people, not processes. … But many businesses instead prioritize controlling their commodity human resources. … Companies have dressed it up in Scrum’s clothing, claiming Agile ideology while reasserting Waterfall’s hierarchical micromanagement.

Here is another fun one: "But beware of zealotry. Heed the wise words of cestith"
“Anything larger than a developer can do in two weeks is infeasible”
One of the problems people are having is that so much is said against Waterfall instead of just in favor of Agile. … People emphasize that everything to do with Waterfall is bad, and generalize from large, detailed, inflexible architecture with no feedback loops being bad. [This is] repeated by people trained to be Scrum Masters or some other management or administrative role who are not developers themselves.

I’ve been told that gating one story behind another is waterfall. I’ve been told that having a design story is waterfall. I’ve been told that architecture documents that are eligible to be revised but created before all the code is in place are waterfall.

Taken to heart [it] means that anything larger than a developer can do in two weeks is infeasible. This often happens when the team building the software is not considered [as] stakeholders.

Whatever happened to “people over process”? Slicker gets real:

Another post: “It just doesn't work that way”
As far as giving engineers autonomy, I do see enormous largely unrecognized value in that. Boeing, for example, made great products until the management style was changed to a top-down authoritarian model. … Obviously quality, productivity, and innovation all suffer horrendously. … And I have seen this pattern in company after company.

Engineers need latitude to solve problems. Their work is nothing like a production line in a factory. It just doesn’t work that way.

As in other walks of life, there’s no single answer—and nuance is essential. Here’s u/Sammy81:

“You have to plan the whole project”
It comes down to: What are you developing? Some products are well suited to Agile and others aren’t. “Pure” agile is best for a commercial product. … You have a feature set that you prioritize and you get through as much as you can before you run out of time, call it done and try to sell it.

When you have a customer who has a list of requirements they insist on, … you can’t just do sprints and see how far you get. … You have to plan the whole project, resulting in Agilefall.

Meanwhile, I think we can all agree it’s the product manager’s fault. Amirite, spaetzleesser?

I have never seen one that could really guide a project from start to finish. They either don’t understand the tech sufficiently, or they don’t understand the business case, or they aren’t engaged enough.

[Or,] once a product manager has enough experience to understand the business and the tech, they get promoted and you have to deal with a newbie.

== I love this. Scrum makes you loose your ability to be agile. It forces an org to focus on the process instead of on the people and the innovation.

And that is why here at StartupHakk, where we love training fullstack developers, I implement my teams on real principles of Agile. On projects, we use Kanban, but adhere to the principles of Agile most directly

I am going to keep talking about this, so make sure you like and subscribe to the channel.

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