5 Second Tip Will Change Your Backswing Forever

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Increase you length of backswing to help you hit the golf ball further and more consistently

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▶Hackmotion Wrist analysis give you clarity on how the "hub" of the golf swing operates within the parameters your pivot allows. Everyone is different, and we should therefore apply different feels for all when it comes to club face and wrist angle orientation. Hackmotion delivers this.



This video gives you great detail on how to hit more greens, hit more fairways and lower your golf scores and ultimately your handicap.

We look at 3 things:

1. How to improve golf ball striking
2. How to find the middle of the club face
3. Help lower your golf scores

and I hope to do all this with simple understanding to create a simple easy golf swing.
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I have a son that has aspergers high functioning autism and hes hooked on golf build a home simulator setup for him. I had to improve my game as he copies my swing. All I want to say is thank for your approach to coaching it has changed me and my sons aproach to the golf swing, first time after 23 450 balls hit on the sim over 15 months that we see progress💪🏻


You know you’re good at golf when you demonstrate quick backswings and you pipe the ball straight down the medulla. “Lucky again!” Diggin your insight on the golf swing.


Hey Stuart, this will be my second comment really. And just want to say Thanks. I think the main thing was I hadn't seen your videos of wrist set and didn't understand your kink in the wrist. I was like, man, my grip is as strong as one can get it. But add that kink, and well, that changed things. So after those two days of not knowing, I went off and went with the kink. Life was pretty good but my 52 degree was 14 ft left. Hm. Every time. So I tried to compact the swing a bit but still didn't fully like the feel. So I made changes. I decided my natural kink is not as strong as your kink, but 20 degrees. With that, there is no manipulation in my swing for anything. So I got out my Garmin R10 and started running numbers. I could go from 74 mph CHS to 83 and when pushed - 93. That was with my 8 iron. I could keep a good average in the 80s for my CHS. Then I checked my angle of attacks and then went to a few other numbers and then went outside to try my swing. I can easily retain my distance of 155 yd 8 iron with no problems. My compressed 8iron was around 167 yards. But for now I am hitting with little compression. But they are straight. And I haven't lost any distance. So I decided to start pushing my backswing. I can now turn a crazy amount like you are showing here, and swing just as clean and hit just fine. I still have all my touch on my short game and am enjoying this journey. Now, I am just starting to think about the club in space more than the club in position and so I have a lot to play with. But thus far, I am loving this freedom. I have created new drills and may I suggest for those who can't or don't want to do the entire broom thing, an RV washer broom you hook up to a hose is perfect and you can really generate speed and enjoy a pre-warm up. The other thing I can now do is hit just under the ball, or 4 inches in front, or 9-10 inches in front of the ball. I use my thumb to slightly press when I want to strike the ground. So I am looking forward to start working on really compressing the ball. I have compressed a few and know that can be part of my swing next. Also, however, I hope to see you talk a bit more about the hands in relation to the hips. You see, I can turn the hips first and the hands follow, cleanly. And get really down and compress balls or leave divots in front. Or I can marry the hips and hands so they are timed to be a race to the ball. Or I can run the hands through and let the hips follow like closing a door behind you (started working on this a few days ago). Your moving the club one way and the weight the other has really opened up options for me. At 60 years of age. I am like, hm, which way do I want to hit the ball and how much backswing do I want to take. This so far is a great journey. And I am still getting over that golfers elbow which I made in my other comment. But lastly, I know I am modifying your recommendations to fit my swing - but I have no more swing thoughts and no more garbage in my head. No more pain in the elbow, which I have only had one other time in my two years playing. Oh, I miss from time to time and top the ball or toe it, and that elbow right now let's me know, but for the most part, I can really strike well and have the exact results I expect. So I will continue my journey in this direction and try to watch more of your recommendations. Thanks. You do have me looking at strikes in a space relationship and no longer positional space. I appreciate.


Thanks Stewart for this video as it is perfectly timed for me. I was at the range last week with my golf buddy and as he was trying to shorten his backswing because he has an overswing I was trying create a longer backswing as mine is slightly too short. Took the new swing feels to the course and exactly as you said I started fatting shots 😅 Going to the range tomorrow so will focus on right hop over left foot and keeping the handle high.
Thanks 👍🏾


You are just amazing, awesome tip!!!!


Hi Stuart..went to the range..slowed my backswing to 5 seconds…
Pushed my right hip back…my thought was right shoulder forward on downswing…smashed my irons..many thanks 🙏🏻


Hi Stuart, I am an older player and was not hitting my 5 wood very well and found I was short in the back swing.
To change it I took my swing as I got to the top I took it further back. This gave me the feelings you talked about. I have since then added a bit more to my irons. Last week in competition the 2 swings which felt shorter led to dropped shots.Keep your excellent videos coming they make all the difference. Regards Roger.


After watching lots of your videos and and learning too understand how the golf club works and how to square the face etc this was the that urika moment for me trying this out today at the range. mixed with other videos you made have changed my swing so much I went from massive out to in swing pulling and hitting left to right.to almost a square club face more in to out shots and baby draw shot which I have never hit in past years of taking up golf . will continue to put the practice love the vids can’t thank you enough for this amazing content.thats definitely good golf coaching


Absolutely wonderful drill, Stu. It really does increase the backswing and also increase clubhead speed. Thanks for sharing. Cheers.


Ur a charm. Educational & Humorous. Thank you.


This reminds me of the way Sungjae Im swings the club. He has a very slow and deliberate backswing and then rips it through from the top. For those of us who have historically been working on coming from the inside in the forrward swing it feels strange and different to deliberately pull the handle out toward the ball/target line from the top. I will be trying the 5 count backswing and pulling the handle out in my next practice session.


stuff good reminder to complete my back swing. It's so easy to get quick with adrenaline ⛳🍺


Love this explanation, I need to move the handle towards the ball from the top as I always come down steep. Is this more of a feel though as I know you still have to put pressure down on the handle? Inspired to try it but it seems contrary to what a lot of coaches are saying e.g. the Justin Rose drill that seems popular at the moment. 🤔


Bloody stripe show Stu!! 🔥 Enlightening demonstration too


I enjoyed this viedo, can you in a future viedo show in slow motion as the handle and hands pull out towards the ball at what point are you pushing the handle down to turn the corner to hit the ball. Is I the right leg?


Hi im tryin to get my head around this pulling the club further out as you explain but when i try this it feels like im comin over the top and hitting out to in. I haven't tried down the range yet as im poorly so just pottering around the house catching up on all your vids. Looks like you come far out on the practice but cant see on the actual swing..where abouts are you based for lessons


Hi Stuart I really enjoy your video but unfortunately this one is very confusing because I slowed down this video and froze it at multiple points and I have to be honest at no point did your handle ever go forward it definitely went down i would say probably at a 50 ° angle more like an escalator and do did your right shoulder but at no point did I see either move straight forward . So are you saying it feels like it moves forward because as I said neither your hand path or your shoulder path actually moved forward


I don't think I've taken 5 seconds to make a backswing for half a dozen shots let alone one. I'll give that a go on the range before it goes anywhere near yhe course
