I bought HG Aile strike and got the option parts instead, EG Strike Gundam can work too ArchieGamez
I bought HG Aile strike and got the option parts instead, EG Strike Gundam can work too
Tunggu aj bbrp hari, tu stiker stiker dah copot copot tuh 😂 Unucky_dude
Tunggu aj bbrp hari, tu stiker stiker dah copot copot tuh 😂
what site is good for buying gundam or which country like is indonesia good? SLICK_SHOT_yt
what site is good for buying gundam or which country like is indonesia good?
Langsung perfect strike cui kalah gua gua baru Barbados lupus rex SKYREDHeizo
Langsung perfect strike cui kalah gua gua baru Barbados lupus rex
Pipi nya ganal banar. Itu yg meulah ku kurang suka pas sudah selesai merakitnya kyrezz
Pipi nya ganal banar. Itu yg meulah ku kurang suka pas sudah selesai merakitnya