This is disgusting behaviour to the highest degree 😢
Handle the children carefully they are divine beings
I love children and want to do something for them
It's odd that they will record and show this video if it's incriminating.
That bruise! I can’t imagine what that poor child is being subjected to 😢
I can’t make it out, what’s happening ? My eyes aren’t great… poor totu !
I hope this little girl is still with us it’s horrendous
Totally sad situation We have no idea where she's at now
She's desperate to live. I am beside myself. 😢
this wasnt even investigated by this country its a disgrace
That poor sweet sweet child, her and my son are the same age, I pray for her always. May she be saved, may angels touch her. I think of her always, when my son even starts to get too much I think of this sweet girl. I take a breathe and look at the beautiful being I made, and smile. For he’s only baby, just like her, and knows only of his needs and I must comply with those needs. Just like she does. May she please be kept safely.
No sé porque nadie hace nada para salvar a este bb.y las autoridades?
As of July 2023, it appears that Totu has been reunited with her biological mother. Apparently, upon completion of a drug rehabilitation program, Aarhus reclaimed her child from the proprietors of the Sevgi Evi orphanage.
She was on the dark web over a yr ago in tht pink sweat suit w the 1000 yrd stare of trauma her oldest son is the problem imo 👁
Can Totu talk? Or she cant too traumatized to talk? Im upset. These people are so infuriating!
Her little body looks twisted under that port A crib… Is she alive????
I'm actually seething right now. Why oh why this is just... I'm sickened and worried 🤬
So this is what happened to her arm when it was in that makeshift sling and hidden under her jacket.
What is the arrow pointing to? a bruise?
wtf this is still going on 😢 I remember the original videos of her when she first was on TikTok or instagram.
Why is she posting these? Does she want you get caught??