Μιχάλης Πατσίκας | Συλλαλητήριο για τη Μακεδονία | Πλατεία Πέλλας

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Μέλος της «Επιτροπής Αγώνα για την Ελληνικότητα της Μακεδονίας»
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Tonight in Pellas and the rest of the cities in Greece, we are all together united, not only to defend Macedonia, but to defend democracy, and our right to express our will that should be respected. We are defending the founding rock of democracy: all authorities are empowered by the people, and should be exercised by the people. They dared [the left wing in power] to designate us [Crowd cheering: Greece means democracy] the millions of Greek citizens, of the two rallys of Macedonia and Athens, as fascists, as golden dawn members, as heterogeneous mobs, as nationaholes, as formulations. Against this political obscenity/vulgarity we respond with MORE DEMOCRACY. We respond with a stronger fight. We respond, with even a bigger will and a higher spirit. WE DEMAND a referendum to take place for any agreement the Greek government brings. It is the least [Crowd cheering: we do not retreat until we are brought justice] we can accept as Greek citizens. We ask them, are the people an enemy? Are they afraid of the people? The people from Skopje [FYROM], whom their president has declared that he will place a referendum, have they got more democracy? Tonight in Pellas we are all together, patriots, democrats and Hellenists. Has anyone of you [Crowd cheering: all Greeks together, one body one soul] any doubt that the plan to incorporate the neighboring country in NATO, by any means and with any naming, that it doesn't blow up in the air the peace in the Balkans? Has anyone of you any doubts that these NATOic plans consist of a spark in the gun powder warehouse of the Balkans and the surrounding areas? These NATOic imperialistic plans not only threaten our identity, they threaten democracy itself as well as peace, and this involves all of the nations of the Balkans. NO. NONE OF US HAS ANY DOUBT. None of us have a doubt that the German held Europe, "plays" with its internal [within Greece] agents so as to surrender the name and to create even yet another protectorate. No of us has any doubt that all these advocate for the counterfeiting of history, with the only target being their personal economic benefits. [Crowd cheering: get your hands off Macedonia]. So here we are for Macedonia, democracy and peace. We are also here for one ultimate value, to defend the truth, which is that the neighboring nation owes to determine/identify itself with its own identity, which is not Macedonian (Crowd cheering: get your hands off Macedonia). It owes to identify itself with its own language, which is not Macedonian, and with a name which is not Macedonia, because the use of the name Macedonia, is not self identification but heterodetermination, and a theft of the Greek history and the Greek civilisation. We therefore defend the truth, because at the base of the historical truth we give a hand of friendship, peace, and cooperation with the neighboring country, and we tell them to not ask from us to give them our soul, Macedonia is not assignable, it was, it is, and it will be Greek.
