Grammar: 27D

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Καλησπέρα και πάλι. Λοιπόν σήμερα έχουμε δει δύο είδη επιρρημάτων, θα δουμε και ένα τρίτο. Τα επιρρήματα που απαντάνε στην ερώτηση πόσο. Πόσο θέλουμε κάτι ή πόσο μπορούμε κάτι. Μερικά λοιπόν από αυτά στα Νέα Ελληνικά είναι το αρκετά, το λίγο. Το πολύ, το πάρα πολύ. Το ολότελα. Εντελώς. Καθόλου. Επίσης υπάρχουν και τα βεβαιωτικά επιρρήματα. Όταν για παράδειγμα θέλουμε να κάνουμε μία σύγκριση. «Πόσο κρασί θέλεις; Τόσο όσο έχεις». Αυτό το ¨τόσο¨ λοιπόν είναι βεβαιωτικό αλλά απαντάει και στα ποσοτικά επιρρήματα. Και επίσης το βέβαια, το μάλιστα, που σημαίνει σίγουρα. Τα διστακτικά ίσως, πιθανόν, άραγε. Και τέλος τα εντελώς αρνητικά ποσοτικά επιρρήματα όχι, καθόλου και ενίοτε και το δεν.
Good evening again. So today we have seen two kinds of adverbs, and we will see a third. The adverbs which answer the question “how much?” How much we want something or how much we can do something. So some of these in Modern Greek are enough, a little. A lot, very much. The whole thing. Completely. Not at all. Also there are the affirmative adverbs. When, for example, we want to make a comparison. “How much wine do you want? As much as you have.” So this “as much” is certain but also responds to quantitative adverbs. And also of course, certainly, which means surely. The hesitant ones maybe, perhaps, perhaps. And finally the completely negative quantitative adverbs no, not at all and sometimes “not.”
Good evening again. So today we have seen two kinds of adverbs, and we will see a third. The adverbs which answer the question “how much?” How much we want something or how much we can do something. So some of these in Modern Greek are enough, a little. A lot, very much. The whole thing. Completely. Not at all. Also there are the affirmative adverbs. When, for example, we want to make a comparison. “How much wine do you want? As much as you have.” So this “as much” is certain but also responds to quantitative adverbs. And also of course, certainly, which means surely. The hesitant ones maybe, perhaps, perhaps. And finally the completely negative quantitative adverbs no, not at all and sometimes “not.”