The TRUTH About Majoring In Astronomy

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I detail what it's really like to major in astronomy.
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Personally I feel that the PhD is much more enriching than the undergraduate degree. You don’t have to worry about grades, feel like you deeply solidify your foundational understanding, and become an expert in your specific subfield. Undergrad felt more like the embodiment of the expression “jack of all trades, master of none”


Just finished my bachelor’s in physics, astronomy concentration & honestly I couldn’t imagine having done another major. It’s difficult for sure, but the Astro classes make it all soo worth it!


I’ve been looking into majors and astronomy has only ever been the major that stood out to me and seemed fitting. I’ve just been too intimidated because of the difficulty and I was never taught about the career opportunities for studying it


I’ve been really interested in astronomy since childhood. Strongly thinking about going back to school and changing fields. This is really helpful.


I’m an astrophysics major, this is really epic thank you :)


Great video. My brother got his PhD in astronomy at Cornell. He used to tell me about his courses and research... I had so much more respect for his endeavors. My doctorate is in English Lit.. so different but pretty difficult at times. Not as tough as astronomy though! Kudos.


This is a great video, I’ve always wanted to major in astronomy since I was a kid, but now that I’m about to graduate from high school I’m so scared because of the amount of math and physics, I feel like it’s way too difficult


I was planning to attend Astronomy, this video was very helpful because its coming from a personal experience, thank you :)


I’m so sorry you have to deal with people confusing astronomy and astrology! You must have tremendous patience.


In high school, my first physics teacher was genius. He worked for NASA at one point. One of the smartest people I’ve ever encountered. He passed away halfway through the semester. He was one of those people that it was so easy for him, he couldn’t explain it. If it confused someone, that was far beyond more difficult for him to understand, than physics alone.

The guy who took over WAS just a chemistry teach but decided to do both. I heard he was the same way. His name was Mr. Dyck (pronounced like Dick). The funny quote at school was “Dyck is hard.” His class was hard. But I passed with flying colors. He let me do everything my way. He wasn’t strict on “do it MY way.” He let me do it how I pleased. He offered advice. If I got confused, he explained it in a way that made sense to ME. He typically didn’t do this. He had zero tolerance for lack of effort. Any lack of effort. If he caught you slacking once, and you end up struggling with what we learned that day, tough luck. He loved effort. His rule was if you try, he will do his best to get you to pass. Most people passed his class with a C or B. A few people would scrape by with an A-. Then obviously the highly intelligent kids had no issues. I passed with high A’s. In fact our final had a HUGE curve on it. He said if anyone got every question right, they could get a 150% on it. I did. He pushed me so hard to do AP Physics but I didn’t. I wish I had. I was an assistant in some of his other classes. He also sent people to me for tutoring which was really out of the norm for me. I was looked at as a “dumb jock” but when it came to math and sciences, I loved it. I committed to a nearby university to play baseball and study engineering. I somehow managed to get into a lot of impressive engineering schools. I switched to astronomy right before the semester started. Then 2 days before the semester started, I had to back out for financial reasons. I had a scholarship for baseball, but it was a private school, tuition was high. And because I was an athlete, this school had a policy that freshman athletes live in a dorm. Room and board was outrageous. I’m still devastated to this day that I didn’t get my chance. I am in school now pursuing an associates in business to advance at my current employer. I’m almost done. But I work full time, married, 3 year old and another child on the way. I debate every single day switching to go for a Bachelors in astronomy. Something tells me to get this associates first so I have SOMETHING if astronomy is too hard. Then go for astronomy later. But idk man. Wish I had my chance. I fear if I try now, it’ll be too much with my situation.


Also heading to the University of Maryland for astronomy!! this helped a lot, thank you :)


Thanks Morgan, this is some solid stuff, been looking for this :)


My school doesn't even offer "regular astronomy" anymore, just astrophysics. My roommate thought alchemy was the same as chemistry :x


I am in a kind of similar boat. Currently majoring in Marketing with a minor in CS and Graphic Design, but was always interested in astronomy. Took one of the introductory courses this past semester and now debating if I should take away my minors and double major in Marketing and Astronomy, which does not make sense at all..
Thank you for sharing your experience!


I'm going to start High School next month and I was planning to start making plans of what I'm gonna do after getting out of HS, I really reallyyy wanted to consider astronomy to pursue as a major later in college. But on the other side, I've always had passion for music but astronomy and music are just two different worlds 😭😭😭


Is an Iraqi girl who was born in 2007, it’s really impossible dream to reach 💔


- You study astronomy. Two thumbs up!
Astrology gets two thumbs down.


I was born in 1983 and will turn 41 years old this year and majored in accounting in college 20 years ago but I’ve always had an interest in astronomy. 🔭


Thanks for making this video. This information was very helpful.


Well done for your educational achievements and for presenting this information for younger viewers that need help with their ambitions 👍
