QRadar Search Tutorial

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Link to a Box folder with a file with an index of the most recent videos, go to the last page and look for a file named Security Intelligence Tutorial, Demos & Uses Cases Version XXX.pdf
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Hi Josh,
I have 2 request, but it not relate about this video. sry. may be it request video in the future.
1. How can I integrate Qradar with OTX vault? for get more free threat intelligence not only x-force.
2. How can I mapping destination IP with domain registration organization for tuning rule. when I create the rule I found a lot of noise alert from IP microsoft or google. currently we use offense for save IP microsoft to reference set and I will use the reference set for create credential exclusion list in rule. but I think it not effective. I try to use x-force but it can create criteria search URL Category, IP risk score only.
