Palworld - THE ULTIMATE Breeding Guide! DONT WASTE YOUR TIME - Palworld Breeding Guide Tips

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This is your End all Be all palworld breeding and cross breeding guide. want to know how to make the most powerful pals in the game? this is the place. Everything you need to know from the basics, to transferring passive skills, legendary skills and crossbreeding.

0:00 - Overview
0:45 - Important Pal Knowledge
5:05 - Jourmintide Ignis Early
7:56 - Infinite CAKE
10:52 - Expert Breeding Tips

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In Depth Video on IV's Coming Tomorrow. Lots to get into!


7:45 pretty sure I just watched the same clip edited in 3 times but it’s 2am so who knows…


That explains this transfer of passive skills better than any video I've seen so far. It helps a lot. The take away is - Work out what you want to add to your pal and breed many until you get what you want. I managed to do it with a Foxparks but I did it by accident and didn't really understand the process. This video helps. Thank you!


The quest for the greatest Depresso to ever walk the planet has begun


Hey, thanks for featuring my calculator :)

Great video, you're smashing these!


The newly acquired knowledge that work speed doesn’t affect ranch rates makes my finished super cow a real kick in the nuts


*The other day I spent a few hours and bred a perfect Anubis. Then I thought to myself: why?*


Stunning the bees with an electric move or stun baton cancels their self destruction mid-move, making them WAY easier to catch. I used Beakon or the electric dog pal to catch all my bees.


love this game but they really need to make the size of bases a bit bigger.


I used Rooby but you can do the same with any low level easy to catch pal. Penguillet, Fox sparks etc. I caught like 50 of them and just bread together the two that had the best passives for my personal pref so that was burly body and musclehead because I wanted the passives on my battle tames so that gives me attack and defense with zero penalties to either stat. Next passive was ferocious because I wanted the extra 20% attack with zero penalties. Finally I added in swift because it’s the highest tier movement speed perk you can get with 30% plus birds are some of my fave to use. First pal I ended up with getting all 4 on was foxicle. Thanks to him I can get all 4 passives onto whatever I want just by breeding in circles as you described. Here’s my recommendation. Just start with stacking all of the passives onto a male and female pair of pals if possible. From there you breed together the pals that have the passives you want and either none of the ones you don’t want or very few but only if they still have the majority of passives you want. For example I want ferocious musclehead and burly body so I breed a Rooby that has ferocious musclehead and nimble and a Rooby that has burly body alone, or burly body + one of the other 2 I want and maybe 1 passive that I don’t want. It’s way faster to get the passives you want breeding things that already have them. The main thing to avoid is breeding things that have several passives you don’t want just in hopes of getting the one passive you DO want. It’s better to mix something with more of what you want with either a blank pal or a pal that has few passives but has the ones you desire.


Character is level 46 and I still have not done breeding, because I thought it would be a very long process to learn about let alone actually utilize. Very grateful for this video. Lost my sanity when I found out that you could yield a grass type by mixing two dark types. And I don't mean just any, just what you said in the video to get the honey pal.


I feel like two condensings is a good spot for ranch animals. Only takes twelve pals and triples the output. Very worthwhile.


Helpful tip: When it comes to using a breeding calculator to calculate pathways to get the specific pal(s) you want try and a find a common ancestor between them all so that you don't have spend more time breeding over the traits you actually want to the pal(s) you want.


Just some extra information regarding the hidden bonuses (Similar to Pokemon IVs) that is covered at the start of this video.
There is a site to help calculate them, Palpedia net builder. The effects of the hidden values are up to 20ish% bonus stat so a perfect hidden value Pal would have up to 20% more attack than a minimum hidden value pal.
It is much much more tedious and annoying to breed for perfect hidden values as you have to capture pals for good hidden values and then attempt to breed the passive skills onto them before you can actually breed passive skills together to complete the pal compared to just simply breeding passive skills together.


Fenglope is also insanely powerful without any upgrades thanks to blizzard spike. It will absolutely nuke, quite literally, any group of mobs I've encountered at 40-ish. When mounted you can use it to demolish, but I've found unmounted it has a shorter CD and it will use as it's opener attack to just wipe them. Even if you're not pinpoint accurate, this spell works like a nuclear bomb and the sweeping cloud will move quite a long ways until it hits everything in the vicinity. I've been using it to farm the far NE packs of humans for gold, spheres, and ammo. It's insane TBH.


Great tips! Something I would add, 4 staring a pal does increase its speed. If you're saving up pals to get it to 4 star, that could take up a lot of space in the pal box. Crafting two Refined Chests per breeding farm (assuming you are trying to manage multiple pals at a time) means that you can save a lot on pal box space


Took me so long but I finally found the egg. Jormuntide ignis is making such a difference in my base


I use a Pal Box as a portable fast travel point (very nifty).
At the start of a new world I use the top left most spawn point as a temporary base, since it's right next to a fast travel thing.

This allows me to put lots of early skill points into health, since when I reach my weight limit I can simply put down a pal box, teleport top left, offload into a wooden box, teleport back to pal box, pick it up and continue from where I left of.


This was the best breeding video I’ve seen so far. The 20 minutes went by as if it was only 5 minutes, Great explanation.


it seems heat resistance level 2 is not enough to go to that area, is your mount giving you extra heat resistance?
