Live : India To Not Be A US Ally Soon, President Joe Biden's Aide Explains Why

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Live News : India's foreign relations with the US seem to be doing wonders for the country. Recently, US President Joe Biden's aide said that India to soon be a 'great power'. White House Asia coordinator, Kurt Campbell, said that the India-US relationship strengthened over the last 20 years. Kurt further acknowledged that there are inhibitions in both of the bureaucracies and there are many challenges. India-US relationship, he asserted, is not simply built on anxiety around China.

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The explanation is simple - India doesn't agree that all the actions taken by the US are wise, even if they agree with the US on the principles. In particular India considers the US as gung ho when it comes to going to war and is worried about getting pulled into unnecessary wars by military alliances (based on past experience of US war involvement in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.). Hence no membership in NATO and no formal military Quad alliance. Instead India is cooperation in a Quad that provides mutual logistics support, military intelligence sharing, promotes resilience of supply chains, promotes free navigation and trade, a rules based world order, and economic cooperation, but not a formal military alliance where India could be pulled into a stupid war by the US or any other country.


After this statement is why we need to be ten times more careful and do all our best to work doubly hard and develop while catching up to the tech. world in terms of Semiconductors, AI, Blockchain, State - of - Art Logistics etc. White house never plays fair and by this statement what they intend to say is : "India is on our next target list. We have given enough leeway for India to gain importance and now we must plunge it down." That is how one must understand it. Even now unfortunately we have lovers of the west whom still fetish living a western modern lifestyle and surround themselves and their vocabulary with English syllables and phrases thinking it as "cool" - unless that is rooted out and thrown out of the way, India won't rise to the height it wants to. *Self - respect and adulation for our cultural ethics, morals and civilizational teachings come FIRST and then anything else.* Sustainable way of living has always been part of Indian civilization since millennia and it is us who just need to research into and learn our own techniques and bring about indigenous solutions to implement them in daily life and on a wide scale. *Help yourselves and the rest will follow.* Don't sit idle on unworthy praises.


That's China Joe for ya, this would not have happened if our President Trump was in office - what joke this guy is
