Neil Armstrong Tribute

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Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on a world that was not Earth, has died. Getting his pilot's license before his driver's license probably didn't hurt when it came to becoming one of the world's most famous men - certainly the world's most famous space man. A remarkable man who was able to accomplish many great things, his legacy is far larger than himself - he became a symbol of our greatest accomplishments and it is very sad to now be in a world without him.

Footage and Photographs courtesy of NASA and the US Government
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It amazes me how fiercely humble Neil was. I think that's something we all can look up to.


I heard about the death of Neil Armstrong last year, and I knew it was a shame to have lost him, but the magnitude didn't hit me then like it did when I watched this video. It actually made me feel bad that I never appreciated him as much as I felt I did when I saw this, but it also made me smile a bit to know that he stood for something bigger than just himself or bigger than the fact that he walked on the moon. He stood for a magnificent accomplishment humans made with his help. I have to admit that it also made me crack a little smile when Hank said he was a nerd... 


I have to admit, I did shed a few tears while watching this.


When he went to the moon it wasn't just him, he took all of us to the moon, he didn't say HA I JUST WENT TO THE MOON!!! He said I'm so happy to be human. God bless Neil Armstrong!


One of my all time heroes! You will never be forgotten Neil Armstrong and your name and memory will live on for the rest of time. You took much more than one small step.


Poor Neil and Buzz, their entire lives, despite their amazing accomplishments, they had to deal with conspiracy theorists. At least Aldrin punched one.


How great must it have been to witness the moment of Armstrong walking on the moon. What an amazing guy and I wish I could have met him but I will never lose the inspiration he has set for me.


"one small step from man, a giant step for mankind " the most known sentence and love words and they even make a great song RIP Niel .


Gosh Hank! You making me
RIP Neil Armstrong, a true legend. You will be missed, remembered and never forgotten


How could anyone dislike this video? Excellent video, as always, but with a very real, personal touch. He will never be forgotten.


A true pioneer who believed fully in everything he did and everything that his fellow man achieved on that day in 1969.A brave yet very modest man.His name is legend. Wherever you are on Earth people know who Neil Armstrong is and what he did.God bless you Neil and may you fly amongst the stars for eternity.


Today I looked up to the sky for a moment and happened to see a full view of the moon. Immediately thought of Neil’s passing and gave a salute. RIP Neil. Your achievements will never be forgotten.


I don't normally cry, but I am just in awe of Neil and his accomplishments and his drive. <3 Rest in peace Neil.


Goodbye Commander Armstrong. Even when you were making history you could never imagine how you would inspire today's genius thinkers. You were a true pioneer to exceed the achievements of the most celebrated fathers in history. An inspiration, modest, charming, extraordinary. Safe journey... You've been to heaven once - one last mission Commander x


As a student at Purdue studying aerospace engineering, I'll, of course, be reminded of his great accomplishments every day. The Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering will basically be my home for the next few years, and it's an honor to have classes in a building named after such an amazing man.


I'm now crying, you got me to see how important he was and now hes gone. It's a sad day in the science community for losing such a great man.


This was absolutely beautiful, and a wonderful tribute to an extraordinary life. Thank you so much, Hank Green.


Thank you for this wonderfully done tribute to a brilliant man who has been the symbol of hope and adventure to so many people throughout the world.


"It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the earth. I put up my thumb and shut my eye, and my thumb blotted out the earth.

I didn't feel like a giant.

I felt very, very small."
- Neil Armstrong


Neil Armstrong is not just a american hero. He is a true hero of mankind. He symbolizes all the efforts of the team, which consists of man and women all over world, who accomplished the greatest deed in history of mankind. Neil shows us what we all can achieve by working together, exploring the unknown and always giving our best.

R.I.P. Neil
