The Story of Terre Haute Trailer

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I was born and raised in Terre Haute. Sure has its problems like any other city, but it is still a great place to live and raise a family. I have been living in China for 7 years and havent been able to go back to visit. I miss The Haute and plan to move back there with my wife and daughter when we leave China.


I am 16 currently and living in terre haute and I lived there my whole life and they're saying the fact it's safe and it's actually true, still there might be a serial killer out there but that one in a chance to encounter them but anyhow it's a safe and fun town and city, I love the way that have EBASH and stuff. The food is great and fresh and look at the schools, they are doing their best to teach the kids inside and out.
If you don't believe me then you never been there for long enough what it feels as to live inside terre haute.


i born in terre houte in 1983 my father was studying there . i hope to see it now . i leave it when i was 9 months 🙈🍓 my father always said i will take u to see your hospital your home . r.i.p baba 💔


Born and raised in Terre Haute, from 68 to 87. Went back from 97 to 01 after the Army. This place has got some good to it, but overall, notta. The rudest people in one location I've ever lived in. I lived in Aurora, Colorado, Killeen- Harker Heights- Copperas Cove, Texas. Dang near all my friends in T.H. are dead, imprisoned, or hooked on drugs.
The rest of the people are all about who's better than eachother.
I go back from time to time to visit the grave sights of loved ones, but that's it. I didn't realize how much of a rude dk I was until I went back and seen that I was like them.
The woods and fall weather is all I miss from there.💯🙏💛☯️🌞🤔


I'm not coming home till you put me in the documentary!


I moved out recently and I miss my home town more than anything I cried so much during this video



Moved away 25 yrs ago, and it has changed a lot since then. I miss the fishing in various county regions, and maybe T.H. Can focus on using its natural landscape to create more (hiking, hunting, cycling, camping, fishing) at many of the parks to attract tourists and seasonal festivals.


But you have a prison with the worst of the worst...imagine all them on your safe streets


Safe? Maybe they haven't checked INSOR for Vigo County.


Ahhh my home...

Aka: terrable houte


most of us hate it here and call it terrible hole but ok


We have problems, one too many to want to live in Terre Haute


This shitty town ruined our lives made my dad depressed he committed suicide and the tanoos are corrupt my mom got a disease here that is terminal called schlerederma
We are trying to get back to Arizona I was born there it makes you feel so good you can move coming from a 10 year old


Grew up here, moved 16 years ago. I wonder if 100.7 fm is still “new”.


Terra Haute went to hell when they shut down the red light area


I was born in Terre Haute and it's the most right wing state u will ever visit. Terre haute is perfect example of how the us will end up if the economy and lack of jobs for hard working comunity will end up in usa. People litterly and these are facts folks get laid of or quit due to the corruption in Job hiring. Typical manager turnover is 45%. The town has fairly high drug abuse and addiction problem. I volunteered in the 1 soup kitchen available and everyone in Terre haute has eaten there atleast once in there lifetime. There is no middle class just the really rich and the really poor. Education is far behind other states by light years due to teacher's getting laid off. If you open up your own business you have 10% chance of suceeding. 98% of small businesses don't even last for more than 6 months. 80% of children have to be raised by there grandma because the parents are full blown drug addicts. 100% of prison inmates are on drug charges. There are more cops in Terre haute than all suburbs of Chicago combined. I can write a book on terre haute and I'll be scratching the surface with info very sad place to live can't wait to get the f'n town. '


Terre Haute is NOT a strong community with good people.  The Haute is a defunct factory town that's Hay Day is long gone and  most likely never coming back.  The Haute does have it's good points, locally owned eateries, grocery (hint east side)  outstanding city and county parks for example, but the people here are a big let down and that will never change.  I could easily touch on the good ole boy system and corruption but won't bother.  I am only here because of my employment and make the best of it.  Good luck to all but this place is on a down hill slide and has been in decline for quite some time.


I wonder how Terre Haute compares to South Bend?
