Make this box before it's too late! Were institutional kitchens just warned: Stockpile Food Now?

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Warning signs are everywhere that something big is on the horizon. We need to be prepared with food, water and supplies. Today I’m putting together a simple one week tote of survival meals. Why buy a survival food bucket when you can make your own, better and cheaper too!

Most items inside are from Walmart and Dollar Tree. Shop wherever you get the best prices.

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EMP Shield: (Save $50 with this link)

Survival Gear:

So many people are learning about food shortages whether it’s from YouTube channels like Canadian prepper, magic prepper, Alaska prepper, full spectrum survival, even the epic economist, having a sense of world, news and earthquake news will keep people prepping watching YouTube channels like southern prepper 1, or Goshen Prepping definitely keeps you updated as HTF 2023 and disaster preparedness part of your prepper news Mindset, preppers watch Prepping news as they are prepping for 2023 whether it’s food shortages in 2023 or Walmart food shortages staying up on breaking news and having a sense of city prepping even the doomsday preppers have everything ready in case of an SHTF event.

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Something to add would be a 5 gallon collapsible water bag and purification tablets.


Another tip: When I lived in Somerset Ca not only did I go through the Caldor fire but we lived with power loss A LOT! Once we were without power in the snow for over a week. I sat directly in front of the fireplace wrapped in blankets to keep warm. I was stranded because of the snow and disabilities. I learned this trick so I wouldn't starve so if you need this tip use it. I have a bakers cooling rack with leg stands. I put into the side of my fireplace (LARGE FIREPLACE) and pushed some of the burning small pieces of wood under the rack. I sacrificed one of stainless steel soup pots for boiling snow for water (Not drinking water but well was electric pump and with no power meant no water) I also used some of my smaller stainless steel pans for cooking soups and ramens and hotdogs. I just put the pans on top of the rack. I even made coffee this way. After awhile my son and grandson made it through the snow and shoveled it. They brought me a Coleman stove and propane canisters which I put right in front of the fireplace so the gas went up the fireplace shoot instead of the house. This got me through one of worst times of my life. Hope it helps someone else👍


I am now 70 yrs old and raised a family on a strict budget. Keeping a well stocked pantry and sale buying in quantity, especially for meat was a must. We almost never ate "out" and I cooked three meals a day because my husband came home for lunch even after the children ate lunches at school. I recycled a great deal. I used the sacks bread came in to wrap sandwiches when I needed to and reused jars to store things. I had a small garden for herbs and some veggies in season. I did have a dehydrator and a large freezer. These may sound like old fashioned ways to some. I am so glad to see this up and coming generation, at least some of you, learning the real value of living this way!


You can also grab Ghee in a jar, doesn't need refrigeration even after opening. So you have butter for the rice, Mac n cheese, burger helper kits, etc.


Great video. I'm in my 70's and have been putting away canned goods, pasta, etc. BUT i know if i had to evacuate, i wouldnt know what to grab. So, im going to put one container together that i could grab and go. One container could actually hold a month of meals since it is only for me. Thank you for lighting a fire under my butt. 😊


Grocery list-(Dollar Tree helps cost.)
2-1 pound packages spaghetti
2 pound package of rice
Can spaghetti sauce
Can Alfredo sauce
2 cans vegetables of choice
Can mixed vegetables
Soy sauce
Olive oil
Large can chicken
Shelf stable dried egg mix for stir fry (optional)
2 cans chili
Can corn
Yellow rice
Can black beans
2 cans beef stew
2 packages buttery mash potatoes
2 pouches stroganoff (or hamburger helper)
Canned beef
Can evaporated milk
Can of carrots
3 cans chicken al king to eat with rice and can of peas carrots.
Can tuna and pack crackers, small jar mayonnaise, canned mandarin oranges
Mac cheese, can peas (optional can tuna or chicken)
2 packs teriyaki noodles. Cab green beans.
2 packs ramen, can mix vegetables
Tuna cheesy pasta, can tuna evaporated milk and can green beans.
Add vegetables and friut to meals
Box cereal
Shelf stable milk-2 or 3
Instant coffee (tea)
Milk and cream options (shelf stable)
Leftover rice made into sweet rice (recipe in video)
Oatmeal (or breakfast porridge of choice)
Pancakes and syrup
Bacon flavor spam.
2-packs-Freeze dried friut
Canister sugar
Cinnamon ( other needed spices for meal making)
Rotate stock yearly
Factor in if you need powdered milk, additional cans of protein, friut, vegetables to round out meals.
Goal is to buy and store ten days worth of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner meals your family will enjoy. Security food for family.(Water and snacks.) Build store over time. Whole tub was $75.00. Her video worth the watch. Alot of good points.


Maybe throw it into a suitcase so you can roll it around at go time instead of a tote. That would help with the carry weight.


I Use Old Suitcases I’m Not using, that way you can roll it or store it Wherever 👍🌻👍


I also have a hygiene tote as well .. feminine products. Medicines liquid for children and pills for adults like Tylenol . Soap for body and hands shampoo/conditioner. Medical needs like neosporin and bandages along with deodorant. Will all go in the hygiene box or tote. Enough for 3 mths for our family


My great grandparents (I'm 62) used this old adage: Eat breakfast like a prince, lunch like a king and supper like a pauper. They didn't have refrigeration so left overs were kept at a minimum. They ALSO knew that lunch was the most important meal as you needed your energy restored from working and to continue to work until supper time. They rarely stayed up past sunset anyway.


We put a drop of vanilla extract in a quart of powder milk. Makes a huge difference.


This came to roost a couple of months ago when I fell and got hurt, could not leave the house for 10 days. My stock of food saw me through!!


Homeland security in October in 2018 suggested to have six months supply of food and water. If people can do it I suggest at least a year.


The only thing I’d do is vacuum seal the crackers in a quart jar so they don’t go stale. My vacuumed crackers, cereal, cookies, etc was still crispy after 7 years when we tested it.


Don’t forget to have a can opener in the bag of cookware and utensils. Great video!


I created a similar tote for my daughter last year going off to college. She still has a lot left and she replenished what she used. She has learned to keep herself prepared.


I forgot 1 item. I always add a minimum of 1 jar of peanut butter!


This was the most budget friendly preparation for emergencies I have ever seen. Kudos to you!


Thank you for all of your great tips!
Last summer, we were super close to a wildfire and were told to "get ready" to evacuate. We have limited space in our home, and instead of a box, I had previously put 2 weeks of meals in two pocket style shoe organizers and hung them on the wall in a closet. They are easy to grab and pop into a large IKEA bag. Everything we need for an evacuation situation. Plus, it's easy to rotate out anything close to expiring. Here’s hoping we won't need to use it this summer 🙏


Don't forget seasonings. Salt is very important to your diet. Salt, pepper, garlic, etc. Also, a few sweet treats. Just because it's an emergency situation doesn't mean we can't have a sweet treat. All of these things can be easily squeezed into the tote and can be easily squeezed into the budget. Thanks for the tips. I'm going to make a few of these totes. Some for my family and some for neighbors that come to barter. Thanks again!!! God Bless!!!!
