When A Woman Thinks You're TOO GOOD For Her

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When a woman thinks you're too good for her...in this relationship and dating advice video for men
that will help men know how to act and what to do and what not to do when she thinks you’re too good to be true.

So many women have been programmed and conditioned to believe that good men don’t exist. In this relationship advice for men, I give discuss what may cause her to think you are too good to be true and what to do in case that happens to you in your relationship or while dating.

When a man is good some women tend to think he is too good to be true. In this dating and relationship advice video for men, I talk about the common occurrence of she thinks you’re too good to be true.

As a certified life coach, dating coach, and relationship expert who provides dating advice for women and men, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you and I pray that you find this video helpful. If you are asking yourself the following questions;

- What she thinks of you.
- Am I too good to be true
- Does she think I’m too good
- Does she have a negative perception towards me
- Is she looking for things to validate her negative perception of me
- She thinks you're too good for her
- She thinks you're too good to be true
- Too good for her
- Dating tips for men
- Dating advice for men
- Dating advice for men who love women
- Dating coach for men
Well, I believe this dating and relationship advice for men video will give you the clarity you need.

It is not your responsibility to have to fix this woman and it is not your responsibility to make her believe that you are a good man, stand strong in who you are, but hold her accountable for her own issues.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: When A Woman Thinks You're TOO GOOD For Her

Here are some other dating and relationship advice videos that might interest you:


#TooGoodForHer #TooGoodToBeTrue #RelationshipAdviceForMen #DatingAdviceForMen #WhatSheThinks #DatingCoachForMen #StephanSpeaks
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Wow, this makes perfect sense. I've had women tell me this. I'm an active father, cook, clean, have my own house, have a good career, supportive, attentive listener. I do the small things like send flowers to work, or if I'm out shopping & see something she mentioned she likes, I'll get it & surprise her. I see now I make the mistake of trying to prove my worth even harder when she's overwhelmed & decides to run away. I have now internalized being ghosted or wondering why they would self sabotage our relationship. It hurts being told I love you. I'm the best thing that happened to them, and literally, a week or a month later, they are gone and dating someone else. This has happened more times than it's needed to. I've withdrawn myself from society to work on my self love and relearn my worth. Thanks for this video 🙏🏾


Noticed this with the last girl I talked to and she was amazing I thought I actually found a genuine woman to settle down with didn’t make that too obvious of course but expressed my interest. Always had an amazing time together, we could talk endlessly, wanted to spend together etc. Then suddenly she pulled away, started acting skittish, started to play games and started self sabotaging which was a major disappointment to me. She basically killed the spark and over time I honestly just lost feelings and interest all together. I confronted her about it and broke it off and she apologized about it and everything but I just don’t understand why they feel the need to do this. When she was acting like herself and open everything was flowing great but once she started to play a game, pretending to be “busy” but always accepting plans, hot and cold behavior all of this is to manipulate men into thinking she is higher value and wanted by other men. It always has the opposite affect on me, when they play games and play hard to get I quickly loose interest because I know that if she thinks I’m too good for her then I probably am and she’ll eventually end up cheating, abusing or hurting me in someway.


If she drives you to the point of lashing out, then she doesn’t deserve you. If her behavior is inconsistent and unsure enough to where she is sabotaging and testing constantly, leave before it turns you into someone you’re not.

Speaking for personal experience. I caught myself trying harder only for her to disrespect and push me away more.


Thank you Stephan, you're speaking straight to me. I was approaching two years together with her and about to move in together, when without any prior indication, she told me she needed a break and ghosted me. She even called me perfect one time, and she always seemed to look up to me. After a couple months we finally spoke again, and she dumped a lot of verbal vomit on me but one thing she said rings very true: she has been cheated on by all of her past partners and I never did anything to hurt her anywhere near that level. "I loved her too well" is essentially what she told me. It seemed that to her, a relationship meant being used by her partner, rather than being loved. She wasn't healed enough to be ready for the kind of relationship we were going to have. Maybe me too.


Most is us come from a place of not feeling wanted because of how everyone treated us! The evil curses they did is why I cannot get a break!
The abuse and trauma I experienced I always felt like I didn’t deserve better!
I’ve had/have a therapist by my choice most of my life!
I need JESUS to help me! I cannot be in relationship because I’m so hard on myself! I’m the most caring, giving, and lovable woman towards others though I have no one!😭


The woman i was with left me a while back, and what you said makes perfect sense in my situation. Thank you so much for the wise words, i just wish i knew back then, she still has issues, but now at least i understand what made her run away and her fears.


It makes no sense for a man to sell himself to a woman. He just needs to be his true and real self. Either she excepts who and what he is or she doesn't.


I'm experiencing this now but thankfully I'm healed enough to honestly express my thoughts to him and he's patient and understanding enough to gently readjust my viewpoints. The fact that he is consistent and well spoken of by those close to him helps as well


Great video. I would also add that in my experience when they say you are too good for them you should listen, it can be because they have some guilt about things they are doing that you may not be aware of. In 2/2 cases with exes I had who said I was too good for them they were doing shady stuff behind my back


It's not your job to help a woman overcome her issues. She's either ready to date you or she can go deal with somebody else.


I’ve been broken up with. She said I was a good partner but she saw me more as a friend. It completely blind sided me


My ex was like this. She always told me I was too good for her. Now, where not together because she went against her word. So, by me not speaking up for her I'm not a man in her eyes anymore, even though we both agreed on something and not to speak on it. When the opportunity came to speak up, I didn't say nothing because "we both agreed" not to say anything. So I'm the bad person now.


The girl I was seeing for 3 months told me exactly the same thing “ you deserve someone who is ready for you and have their life together, You deserve better” am so confused I really like her and I treated her with kindness and compassion since I met her. We went on 2 road trips and flew to Vegas for 3 days and I paid for everything then she broke things up 2 days after getting back from Vegas.


This happened to me yesterday. I’m convinced the girl felt I was too good for her and she stood me up on the date and ghosted.


Very good advice said from a man going through the exact same thing.Thank You sir!!!!


Hey Stephan! Can you please have a next topic of connection in your next video? Thanks 🙏🏽


A similar situation happened to me, the connection occurred over social media, our conversation through texting was easy and relaxing, the connection was pleasing, peaceful, respectful but there was no in personal view, when asked if I liked him I said I can’t answer that without seeing you, the person declined, I wasn’t intimidated by his high value status, I just needed that view of him, so it made me question is this real, is this him, so I went further in searched to ask is this a scam or was it him, I would have never walked away from that person, I was very much attractive to him 😌 sometimes we have to be careful especially today when meeting each other, people should always be willing to connect visually.


This really resonated with me bro. Much love


Thank you so much for this message it happened to me.


So my girl dumped me like a month ago cuz she has to put her ex on child support, and fix her life and she said I’m worth more than her messed up life and she just blocked me when I tried to be there for her and help her…then a week later she cussed me out and say she just wanted me cuz she was depressed and etc so I just let out my emotions, not in an angry way but sad saying that what she said hurt and ik she didn’t mean that….and then I just left it at that I felt it was best that I leave her alone to heal since she is just gonna push me away more and more is this the right choice and is it too late for me to do anything to bring her back to me
