Presidential Debate 2012 Prep: Obama, Romney Campaigns Lowering Expectation Ahead of First Debate

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David Muir has an inside look at how both candidates are preparing for their showdown.

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romney can speak to them but he shouldn't try to make it seem like he is one of them.


Yeah, he could TRY to say that. A little bit of relating with people really does help though. People tend to mic the two up.


With all due respect, Obama is doing the exact same thing. It's the strategy. And truly, what are you expecting him to do? Not speak to Latinos? Not speak to blacks? Not speak to low-income Americans? All while Obama runs around telling all of these people that he's there to help them so vote Obama.


Obama also lowered expectations about his own performance. Only problem, you're supposed to kick butt not get your own handed to you. OHB proved his skills are mostly in the courts. The basketball court, bowling ball court, golf court, etc., etc.

Romney debated from executive's perspective. Took notes and threw them back at his, well, let's continue to call him opponent for, now and held him accountable for his job as Prez. I've been talked to by superiors. I know how it sounds like.


They're not the same. They just have a lot of issues that they come together without realizing. Romney wants to push forward a tax cut and Obama says he wants to encourage some smaller tax cuts for the middle class while increasing taxes on people with incomes over $250, 000 which is why they're technically considered rich. Just to fill you in, Those people pay almost $100, 000 in taxes each year because they're paying almost 40% on their taxable income plus a large fixed sum.


Obama and Romney are the same why can't people see that


Acutally, that "make face darker" thing, was just bad timing on Romney getting a tan.
I look really bad when I get tans too. Which is why I don't.
And who doesn't like grits? XD What's so wrong with relating to people? There is a difference between finding points of relation and being a snake.


thin skinned rommers will look to intimidate debate moderators or talk over obama. should be interesting for the clash of personalities rather than policies. they are more or less the same "/


moon base ill vote for whoever makes a moon base.
