Meet Suzie

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My Kanani doll is named Suzie. Here is her story. Suzie is based off my (Great-Great) Grandma Souza. (Whom I did meet and grew up with.) She grew up on a Pinapple Plantation before marrying a moving to California. She died in the 90's and lived to see her 107 birthday. I just thought it was a wonderful story she had. I haven't used all of it, and I put it in a modern setting.
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Hi. This is wonderful! It's a great way to help keep her memory alive. Wow, that's great that she got to live to be 107 yrs old...I only hope I can be so lucky. Thanks for telling us a bit about your grandma Souza! It was real interesting! :) Btw, love the photo shoot Suzie is adorable! ^.^
