Redesigning education for the future | Marjo Kyllönen | TEDxHamburg

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Since 2004, Dr Marjo Kyllönen is the Education Manager at General Education division in Helsinki.

She has PhD in Education. She defended her doctoral thesis on Future School and Leadership in December 2011. After defending her thesis she further developed the concept of future school and its role and prospect in society.

At her current position she is responsible for various areas of basic education, such as curriculum matters and development, pupils participation, special education, multicultural issues.

She has also been appointed to various committees on a national level such as the national core curriculum work, pupils welfare, pupils assessment. On a city level she is in the lead for curriculum renewal and implementing the Future School Concept in Helsinki. Dr Kyllönen does a lot of voluntary work promoting children’s education in developing countries, which is really important top her.

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Marjo, I am surprised that the world has not noticed this groundbreaking initiative. I fully support your ideas and we believe we can measure and support you online and on the web. We are working on equally innovative software in an eco knowledge system to track all the learning for each student, help each teacher find appropriate content and deliver personalised learning paths for each student.


Wow, it is wonderful to know and learn that the country with the best education system is redesigning its education system. I have been wondering how one can change that, after realizing that our curriculum is not relevant today. Having someone leading in this is great. We will follow you and support you! This is the beginning of a better and relevant future for our children.


Wendy we are also working on this and arguably further developed with an international, global model
