Why Carrie Underwood Came Clean About Her Accident

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Carrie Underwood suffered a scary fall outside her home last year, resulting in more than 40 stitches to her face. In January, she only revealed that she went through the harrowing incident, and now she explained to Ellen why she decided to come forward with details, rather than have public speculation without the whole story.

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I swear everytime she talks about it, I get vibes that its not all true... I just don't know what it is about how she explains it, its like it has to be pulled out of her....she is beautiful and so talented... and wish her the best with her new baby...


She looks beautiful and im sorry that that happened to her.


She was just so weird about the whole situation it made me feel like she wasn't being honest. She was oddly melancholic throughout this whole clip and you could tell she was trying to crack jokes but they clearly just weren't landing/the smile wasn't reaching her eyes. Falling and hurting yourself wouldn't cause you to be so sad especially after she's healed and doesn't have a wound anymore. Starting to think maybe it wasn't a case of hitting the stairs but something different? I don't know.


Is this the quietest Ellen video you've seen? No laughs dead silent


When did she "come clean"? She's been giving the same dodgy answers for months. It's like she wasn't even there, and is retelling a story that's been told to her. No emotion, no real hard facts. Why all the secrecy about it? Why was it necessary to point out specifically and repeatedly that she was alone when it happened? Why doesn't she know how many stitches she had in her face? She's either blatantly lying, or she's ashamed and afraid of something that occurred beyond her tripping and falling on her own.


God it took her forever to tell the story and then when she finally spit it out, it was vague and awkward


Any true fan of Carrie Underwood would know shes socially awkward AF and always has been. Even after she'll blow away an awards show with a performance she can't find words after. In her own words "turns into a pumpkin" watch her idol audition. Not much has changed about her "quirkiness" over the years. Xoxo


She either had a top notch surgeon or a heck of a make up artist. Either way, I am glad she is okay.


This was so weird. Her vibe was off the whole interview. And the “accident” ?? If someone just falls and face plants they don’t talk about it vaguely and act like it was a life lesson? Like you tripped and hurt your face..it’s not like you were in a life altering accident. Not saying it probably wasn’t scary and an awful experience but the way she’s talking about it is so odd.


Why are people being so invasive about the accident in the comments. Maybe she is just insecure about what happened and doesn’t like talking about it all the time. It could have been traumatic. And the people saying it was domestic abuse... Those are some really serious claims you shouldn’t be just throwing around. How about you respect her privacy and stop going around saying “she’s acting weird” when you aren’t her and don’t know her personally.


Honestly, I think she's an amazing woman. Six months before her accident, I was in a car wreck. A limb from a tree that had fallen in the middle of the road shattered ( in what order I don't know) my lower jaw, left collarbone, my neck about a half inch from my jugular vein. My left eye was also swollen shut. I have a steel plate that goes all the way from the middle of my chin to my right earlobe. I' m still shy about talking about it. Will be for the rest of my life. I have no memory of it, thank God. God bless you Carrie & your family!


Very strange interview? So vague... definitely did not “come clean”


Something about her story doesn't sound true. Hopefully it is true I had a friend recently passed away from domestic abuse and no one ever knew until later.


I love Carrie. One of the least problematic ppl in the entertainment industry


One time they interviewed her and she said she tripped walking her dog. I think she's lying about something


I like Carrie but she's lying. Her expresions and hesitantly answering Ellen's questions you know she hiding something


I do not understand why this is such a big deal and still a topic of conversation. She fell. So what.


The weird thing about the accident is she had a picture taken with a fan at a time where she should have had very obvious stitches in her face and nothing was visible. So the accident seems to not have happened at the same time she injured her hand like she said. Which is just a really weird thing to lie about.


When she hits that note in "Low" I think of the moments after injury, the focal point of show biz often being the quality of your face, and what it feels like to be violently injured and know your value is sometimes based on something so shallow. have a nice day!


There are many nasty people who use the internet to bash and pick people apart no matter what they do. Only miserable people do that to lash out from their own unhappy, unsuccessful lives, but people in the public eye end up dealing with that nastiness.
