Rust Linz, April 2021 - Jan-Erik Rediger - Leveraging Rust to build cross-platform libraries

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At Mozilla, Firefox is not the only product we ship. Many others — including a variety of smartphone applications, and certainly not just web browsers — are built by various teams across the organization. These applications are composed of a multitude of libraries that, when possible, are reused across platforms.

In the past 2 years we used Rust to rebuild one of these libraries: the library powering the telemetry in our mobile applications is now integrated into Android and iOS applications and since earlier this year on Desktop as well.

About Jan-Erik Rediger
At Mozilla, Jan-Erik writes stuff so others can measure thingies. He's an active member of the Rust community team since 2014. He coached at Rust workshops & runs Rust conferences in Europe. To get away from computers he picked up scuba diving to see the world underwater.

Рекомендации по теме

Rust is my second programming language after python ... I am very old to call myself a professional programmer; so I will call myself an amateur programmer. I am learning Rust (for the last couple of months) after I discovered python is not that fast ... so my goal basically is to write extensions in Rust for python in order to speed python... that's my motivation!
