How Galactic Crime Rose To Power #shorts

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The New Republic security droids that appear in The Manalorian properly reflect the Galactic wide decision for an anti military doctrine and with that a lack of an army for protection. This lack in structure led to the rise of organized crime and crime in general on more less populated worlds. Less rural worlds such as Coruscant and Naboo were safer which was properly shown in The Mandalorian.

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Just make a call to the Ewoks. They took down the empire, which had a very powerful army and maybe just a little plot armor.


New Republic: Doesn't militarise after toppling the last galactic scale government.
Crime Syndicates and Imperial Remnant forces: Hello there.


In the old canon(before Disney rebooted the canon) because of the new republics lack of military and slow reaction time the yuuzhan vong 325 trillion people died and they only managed to beat them by pure luck


I really liked those droids in The Mandalorian :)


Are the Courasant lower levels really more safe than most less populated worlds? I thought that Courasant held the heart of the galactic underworld


Man i still can’t believe kamino is destroyed


Tyber zan should appear in book of boba, they should fight for control of the galaxy, eventually team up. The sith sith lightsaber him can find the way to the emperor treasures and darth revans armory. So many possibilities to add revan/ malak and other a swtor characters in mando s3.


I feel like Star Wars (maybe unsurprisingly) has a habit of repeatedly being like "Pacifism ruined this planet/galaxy." I can't dispute the logic of it, I do just find it funny in canon that NO ONE EVER LEARNS THEIR LESSON WHEN IT COMES TO THIS. Like the reality of the situation is there needs to be a very well regulated military in place at all times, with a system of accountability and a strong code of ethics in place. Being like "No more military" just... cannot work on an intergalactic scale, particularly when you have a HUGE, angry military remnant and ENTIRE WORLDS THAT BELONG TO CRIMINAL CARTELS just sort of fuckin' chilling out there. There HAS to be wide-scale peacekeeping distasteful or not.


It's so ironic the clone wars were fought between Republic clone troopers and Sepratist battle droids, and the republic are seen as the good guys and battle droids are bad guys. Then the Republic turns into the empire and the remaining Sepratists join the rebellion. Then the Rebellion wins against the empire and forms the New Republic. The New Republic then demilitarizes human soldiers and uses battle droids. It literally all goes full circle.


Hey I haven't been getting these in my sub feed even though I'm subbed. Just thought I'd let you know just in case.


if your going into battle which droids would you take along with you?


Where does he keep the fuel for that flamethrower?


Honesty I hate how dumb the new republic was.
The reason the clone army was needed was because the Republic thought it unnecessary after the old Republics wars"
, so they disbanded it. This allowed for the clone army to be compromised.
So what happens after the war? Total wipe on military... The the first order arose and they were weak and defenseless...
