TXF - Closure

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Video sull'episodio "Closure" di X-Files contenuto nel nostro tributo a Kim Manners proiettato per la prima volta durante il Telefilm Festival 2010.

This video is a little spot about "Closure". It was part of our tribute to Kim Manners. The first screening of the whole video took place to the Telefilm Festival 2010, Milan, Italy.
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Never thought an episode of the x files would make me cry. Best episode, finally some peace for Mulder.


This scene and the music crushes me everytime I watch it.

Seeing this episode initially and the revelation was heart breaking. All this time his Sister had lived a briefly tortuous life and passed on.

Although many fans/critics hated it and thought it was sappy/over the top (starchildren), I felt it was a more realistic end to her arc and a bittersweet one at that. She wasn't kidnapped by aliens. She was kidnapped by government agents, subjected to painful tests, to the point of being weak enough to be put in a hospital after escaping, and ultimately saved by death.

Gets me every time I think about it. All those poor kids.


Who knew a random mid season episode of season 7 could lead into one of the most heartbreaking and impactful moments of the entire show? That's just something I love, it took us all by surprise. I'm also glad I could find this music, there have been so many perfect tracks from the show that I couldn't find, I've only found a couple and I'm glad this is one of them; it had to be this one. Moby's music is so varied and wonderful.

There are some things you wish you could experience again for the first time just because of how it makes you feel and this is one of them. Some say that the ending was anticlimactic but I loved it for what it was and, while I wont go on a long explanation, the tears that followed. I was falling asleep when I first watched it only because I was watching it late at night but these scenes woke me up for sure; thank you X-Files. <3


The music & episode make me fall to pieces every
Finally!! Closure for fox mulder
Beautiful !, but heart breaking


Unbelievable beautifull scene. By far the best scene of X-files I've ever seen. And the song My weakness makes the whole thing absolutely perfect!! It brought tears to my eyes...


David Duchovny acting in this series was, really, really, just as good as Kiefer Sutherland in 24. In this scene, you can actually see sadness and relief at the same time, in his face. You can actually see a man tired, really tired, full of pain, finally setting himself at rest. Just heart breaking


Song is called "My Weakness". I've watched movies to have me tear up. But watching this episode myself on Easter had tears rolling down my face. Amazing show...


Still brings tears to my eyes. I miss this series...


One of my all-time favorite episodes. The music alone is breathtaking. The character development, awe-inspiring. God, I hope they make an XF3.


My favourite scene from the X-Files. So emotional, I was completely in tears at the end and the music is so haunting.


You could see all the burden carried throughout all those years take off as Mulder utters those words "I'm fine... I'm free". One of the greatest shows ever made IMO


Loved this scene from the X files. David Duchovny's acting throughout it was moving beyond belief + the song was out of this world, it truly sounded like being at the gates of heaven, was in the scene he was. I'm one of those guys that just never cries and i lost myself completely towards the end, there's nothing worse than the unknown and you just felt the frustration and pain melt away from Mulder when he said 'i'm free'. Which was a credit to the actor as i said.

Nice lil edit btw.


I used to watch the X-Files regularly when I was young. I went off to college around season 4 and didn't watch any TV at all in college. I came back and casually picked up at season 8, saw no Mulder and thought "What the crap?" and lost interest. As a consequence I never saw this episode and never learned what happened to Samantha. Well, I recently started watching the X-Files through a streaming service and saw this episode for the first time, now 13 years later. I cried.


Greatest Scene ever. And for people who say it isnt, they should watch the entire show and then make a conclusion. Its been a year since i saw the ending of X-Files, and this Scene is still by far the best scene ive ever seen in any movies, series or anime's.


One of the biggest, tear jerking scenes i have ever scene, AMAZING!!!


Seen this on TV in 2001. That song blew my mind. One of the greatest TV moments.
Took me ages till I found out it was Moby. No internet in them days.


that choked i'm fine. i'm free was stunning. and the look on his face when holding his sister...along with the music. amazing.


I remember watching this episode as a kid. After this song and what happened with his sister, I got all teary eyed... =\


I agree with you. It's absolutely PERFECT!


@HHHBFResurrected thank you! And I agree with what you said about the scene. A masterpiece.
