3 Ways to TRANSFORM Your Money Beliefs to Attract What you Want

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This video will show you 3 ways to TRANSFORM your beliefs about money. I'm going to share with you three realizations that I applied in my own life that completely changed the way that I relate with money so that it also changed what I attracted into my life. Transcript below...
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This video we'll show you three ways to transform your beliefs about money. I'm going to share with you three realizations that I applied in my own life that completely changed the way that I relate with money so that it also changed what I attracted into my life. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you some of those perspectives that really transformed my view of money and how that also changed the results that I got because as I thought about it differently I then started to attract it into my life more. Now with this process let's first understand that all money is is energy. When we look at money and we put it on a pedestal or we think that it's anything more than it is it starts to already distance itself from us.

The truth of the matter is money is energy and the key to this whole video and the three realizations I've had have completely changed the way that I relate to it because I've changed the meaning as to what it is. Now as I say and a lot of my videos. The idea is that everything in our life is a neutral idea we give it meaning. And maybe as a society we've teamed up together and said that this means this and that this is worth this so therefore we give it so much meaning. But the idea is to first off just realize it for what it is that a million dollars of paper is nothing more than like less than a hundred dollars worth of paper. But because we have given it meaning we've said that a million dollars buys X Y and Z.

Now the first thing that we must do to let go of our old definition of what money is is realize that we must expand our definition of money and really expand our definition of abundance. So when it comes to this normally we assume that money comes into our life only when we are working really hard for it or we're working for somebody else and there's only certain rules as to how it can come into our life now and the same thing with abundance. We assume that with abundance. The only thing abundance is is money. When in reality abundance can be opportunities. Abundance can be so many different categories of things that we can start to expand it and start to experience what that is. Now let me give you an example of what that is.

That's something I've been personally working on is letting go of my old definition money and thinking that is only something that has to be paper. I now assume and associated it. I now assume an associated more with the idea of abundance. Now let me give an example of something that recently came into my life with that. Well I recently got reached out by a company that would liked me to come down to Costa Rica which is somewhere I've always wanted to go to be there for seven days and seven nights completely free seven day all inclusive organic food massages getting blood work done parasites cleaned out of the body. All of these different programs all for free just in exchange all I have to do is post some of it and blog. My experience of it and honestly say how I felt about it.

Now this isn't directly being given money but it is an opportunity and because I expanded my definition of abundance and towards not just being about money therefore an opportunity was able to come into my life that reflected that back to me and many times we'll see that what we think we want is the money. When in reality it could come much easier if we were to expand our definition of it. We could also say that what do I really want. Do I really want the money or in certain situations. Is it the opportunity in the sense of maybe you want to travel. Maybe your intention is to travel and you assume that you need to save all this money in order to do it. But what if you expanded your definition and then people offered for you to travel with them or people offered you to do some type of work in exchange for that.

But it's like you could do it at the same time as the travel you see. When we start to expand our definition...

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This video is about 3 Ways to TRANSFORM Your Money Beliefs to Attract What you Want
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It's very amazing you make a video everyday. They are very helpful and a great way to start the day. Thank you!


What’s great about this video is that regardless of if the methods you spoke of brought more money to someone it would still be important to examine their beliefs surrounding money, especially if those beliefs were negative. And ideas you put out to examine them were on point. Thanks again for another great video. Namaste.


Shots out to a prophet of our generation, I needed this baaad


I recently found your channel & watching your videos has become an important part of my day. I've felt so much better since starting to meditate & beginning a gratitude journal. & focusing on completing the most impactful task has helped me be honest with myself & tackle something things I've been avoiding. Thank you for the inspiration & helping me learn to thoughtfully reshape my views. 💚


I'm putting it out there that I'm going to meet you ❤


You're so lucky. That sounds like an amazing experience.


Thanks for putting that perspective on it, that really helps!!


What if was stating that I am grateful/thankful for the money I have because it enables me to help others in need?


Aaron, thank you for the vid! I purchased your meditation and it’s very powerful! Could you please also create a meditation especially for finances? 💰 💴 Greetings


I plan on taking my bath n body business to a point where i need to fly all over to set up accounts across the country at Bed n Breakfast Hotels and High End Hotels too...meanwhile i dont even own a car and i live in a studio apartment..so how fanyastic will it be to grow from here.
