It Takes THIS LONG For Men To Know She's THE ONE

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If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Online dating
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- How men think
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- Understand men
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and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need!



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i asked my wife to marry me on the 1st date/ she said yes. we married a week later. we were together 39 years until cancer got her.


My husband knew early. We met while he was only passing through town in the process of moving across the country. He tried to pick me up for a one night stand and I told him, no way in hell, I’m not like that. We had one coffee date before he left town and he immediately started pulling strings to change jobs and move 1500 miles just to have the chance to date me. In two months he moved to the town I was living in and called me up to see if I’d like to go on another date. 4 months later, he proposed. After I said yes, he told me he knew right away I was the one but had to wait until it wasn’t creepy to ask me to marry him. 10 years and 2 kids later, still going strong.


If a Man is dating a woman for years ..knowing very well she is not the one .."He is holding somebodies Wife Hostage" Let her Go 😂😂😂😂..but I say this in a loving manner 😇


They be knowing early, they just be skurrred...especially if they've been burned before. It feels like punishment when they know but they wanna drag it out. I oblige them, but they know very early. I'm in a relationship with a man who continues to tell me I check all the boxes, but he needs more time to make sure there isn't something he's missing. It's cool. I let him know I'm not going to wait forever on him. In the meantime, I'm dating other people and keeping my options open. You're single until he unsingles you ladies.


Women aren't against men these days.

Look at the comments: Women are exhausted.


I can't understand sharing my body with a guy who is sleeping with 5 other women. I don't even understand "the one" putting up with this. Single is better than being disrespected like that.


I knew after a couple hours into our first date


Men will be dealing.with 7 women but expect you as a woman to be an angel in.order to be placed on a pedestal.


My man asked us to be official on our first date he told me as soon as he saw me he knew I was gunna be his wife truss me ladies don’t let these men play you he knew straight away fast fast 🙅🏽‍♀️🙅🏽‍♀️😂😂


To all the beautiful single women out there, my comment is for you: Research has been done on this topic. I heard about it from Steve Harvey first BUT I went on Google to see if Steve was right. Why? Because for Stephan to say it doesn't take long, - that's a vague statement! According to the data, it take 172 days for a person to decide if the person they are dating is marriage material. -That's 6 months. (time for a brief meditation, ladies)

One of the authors of the study said, "Our findings suggest that people misunderstand how quickly they make judgments." Furthermore, the "honeymoon" phase in dating ends after 3 months. Hmmm!

Need more proof? Someone I know - knew his wife was the one after 6 months. They were married for over 40 years. Another man I knew proposed after 3 months. Married for 19 years. 1 guy I know - he said it was love at first sight. He proposed after 1 month. They were married 53 years before she died. So, when you are dating someone ladies, make sure you know what you want, they know what they want and don't waste time with someone with whom you're not compatible. Life is too short. Hope this helps.


From what I observed, men seems to know early on. The marrying kind don't waste anyone's time. They seem to do their best to make it happen once they meet the One. Their wives say the road to marriage felt seemless because their men put much effort into making their relationship successful and pleasant.

Why settle for someone who constantly change his mind about you or thinks you are not good enough for lifetime of love with him?

His actions or inaction speak rather loud. Rose is a rose is a rose, excuses is an excuse is an excuse.


My now boyfriend of 1 month, we been planning a wedding since our 1st date. He said he knew it was me the 1st time he met me


My husband and I were married within 11 months of knowing each other. We discussed your topic on our honeymoon. Everything you said we agree with. ❤


I wasted 2 years on a man who claimed I was the one. Not even a proposal, not even a parents' meeting occurred. He didn't even introduce me to his friends. I should have known better. He was a walking red flag (narcissist) and it took emotional cheating to find out what love was sort of supposed to look like. A reasonable man and a woman should know within 6 months of dating if someone is their future spouse. Don't fall for the "Oh I need more time" excuse. There is no time! We only have so much time left on this earth. God does not like us wasting time, so why should you?


Men are becoming more & more difficult. This process is not good for the nervous system! I’m exhausted. I’ve been single for 5 years & the it is mentally draining


My husband told me that he wanted to marry me after our first date, of course, he didn't let me know until later so he wouldn't scare me off.


I thought my ex was the one, and I thought he felt the same, but then his ex came back and he emotionally cheated with her and pulked back from me. I ended up leaving, and he was hurt and said he didn't want to close the door on us and then he ghosted me. I don't know if he ghosted because he has feelings, got hurt, and/or wasn't ready for our connection (which is a possibility, the timing was bad)... or if he just wasn't that into me 🤷‍♀️

Either way I moved on to a man that was a bit of a player before I met him but fell hard for me and asked me to be his girlfriend a month after we met, and has consistently included me in his future plans since 😂 Sometimes there's confusion, but it's so much better when it's very clear. Keep your standards high ladies, don't settle for someone who isn't obviously sure about you!


If his idea of "she's the one" changes in a matter of days with some information he found out about her, then he doesn't know what he wants.


I always remember my da telling me he knew my ma was his future wife in like a week 😂 so yes, I feel men know before us (women) if you are the one or not


“the one” is a fantasy idea, if you read Edgar Cayce’s quotes on soulmates. You actually get several options for soul mates in each life. You also get to choose, and learn different lessons with different people. Not everyone wants to be a swami but they are happy being a yogi. People need to stop selling this 1950s romance. The question is about commitment and how well you know and accept your own situation. It’s not about finding anybody. It’s about finding yourself.
