Are There Too Many Ways to do Things In Premiere Pro?

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You're great - takes you long to explain all the different ways - its good that you're thorough - there are so many different use cases by the viewers.


Definitely more choices. Especially if I can go about not ever thinking about them, but if the need arises, i CAN choose differently :)


Please keep doing what you are doing. You have helped me to be a better editor!!


I appreciate your thoroughness; it helps us understand all our options so we can make the best decisions in each situation. Keep filling our quivers with creative arrows!


Totally agree. When my colleagues ask how to accomplish a certain effect in premiere or ae I usually give them a couple ways of doing the same thing to see what works best for them. Hell, even when I try to make animations, I often redo everything with a completely different approach. I run into this problem when making my tutorials as well, but since I'm generally targeting beginners, I try to give the easiest and quickest solution for 90% of people. However, when it comes to myself, I prefer watching longer and more in-depth videos (I especially like the deep dives into things that Taran Van Hemert does). I also remember watching your video about audio and video synchronization multiple times just because it was that good and informative! I think showing people all of the options makes them actually think about how and why they're doing something in a certain way rather than just try the first solution they find on youtube and get disappointed when it doesn't work.
Anyway, thanks for the video, Javier!


Having options is always great. Sometimes I take I-10, other times I stay on the streets. Once I learn which way to go, I can go faster/slower, etc. It's all good!


I think it's a great thing. More options are always better! For Example I can select all clips on a timeline and "remove effects" if I wanna remove all individual lumetri effect. But what if I had them on source? The best I can do Is select all clips in project panel and say "disable source clips effects". Or I individually go in the source and delete the effects.
Unless there's a way to do remove effects for source that I'm not aware of. That's just to show we need more options for basic things


2:38 "I don't know how people manage to see an audio waveform in rectified forms; I've always used it the way major audio programs display it, exactly as you've placed it. To me, it's visually better.


I think it's good to have options and I really enjoy learning more ways of doing something through your videos. It's always a fun exercise to see how many options I knew already and to figure out what I can try and incorporate in my workflow. Please keep up the good work!


Always enjoy your videos and your process. Appreciate every upload, thank you!


Wow, this explanation about lengthy videos took 15 minutes. All is good Javier, I love and watch your videos just the same. I learn a lot from your presentations. Keep up the good work.


Keyboard shortcut "c" = add edit, "d" = ripple delete game changed. I like having options.


Hey buddy, I've been following you for a couple of years. I like your out-of-the-box approach and presentation. Whenever I search on YouTube for something about Premier Pro and if there is a video of yours about the topic. Hell yeah! I watched yours. You can upload uncut full records on another YouTube channel or start a Patreon service for core members. Have a great day! 😊


Premiere Pro is "easy to use, hard to learn, " but they shouldn't change it. The power of many different ways to do similar things allows each person to create a comfortable workflow that matches their style and, as you said, covers everything from social media shorts to feature-length cinematic films.

I remember years ago talking with a Microsoft product guy and complaining that Microsoft Word was so bloated. We only use 20% of all the features. He then asked, but which 80% would you cut? We found that 80% of our customers all use a different 20% of the features!

I think the same is true of PPro and other professional software.

The key is something UI/UX designers harp on: Discoverability (being able to find obscure features and realize they exist) and layered reveal (only seeing a small part of what the software can do so you aren't overwhelmed but can drill down into more when you need it).

Steve Jobs said it best "if you can't find the feature, it might as well not exist".

P.S. You need a "best of" list. Headed off to watch that fade-to-black video of yours - exactly something I need to learn.


i'd like to think i'm partially the inspiration for this video, even though looking at your content you've already delved into this subject numerous times, specially that video i commented on where you took the time to find and list all the ways of moving clips, and i found different ways of doing other things in return, today as of writing this comment i found a couple ways of using proxy media NOT with the proxy commands, such as replacing media (with a lowres prores copy) then replacing it back once i'm done, using "render and replace", and using previews (which are buggy as all hell and i don't recommend using them with the latest few releases of premiere pro), i keep finding more ways of achieving my goals and to me it is also a good thing, because if one method or workflow fails, i have another one to use, there will always be a learning curve with these types of programs, my worst offenders are 3d programs like blender, the same rules apply there too


I have always thought that premiere is too flexible. Namely the ability to open as many sequences as you want. my favorite thing about avid is the ability to open only one sequence at a time.

I will load a sequence in the source monitor and I mapped a hot key to open it as a sequence, similar to source monitor pancake editing…I make my selection then use the same hot key to close the sequence, and my main sequence comes back..I make my inserts and keep editing.

I like how this is designed because it’s so much cleaner…you can only edit in one timeline anyway so why have tabs of sequences just staring at you taking up space. as far as I know premiere can open source in a timeline with a hot key, but you can’t close the sequence and the. Quickly reopen with the same hot key. Am I not correct ?


Hi, Javier. I need Premiere shows the waveform while moving a clip! Instead the audio clip turns transparent when you clic it and move it.


Sir When we create a 24 fps timline sequence for a movie .which have little different fps clips like 60 fps, 120..etc for slowmotion.should I keep 24fps has timeline sequence.Does the slowmotion work great?
Sir Please can you explain?


Why you still not make video on dynamic link???


Ahh I hadn’t really thought anything about the waves forms as I’ve only really used PP. I guess it’s nice to have a choice of how to do things, but wouldn’t everyone just want the quickest way? I enjoyed your chatty video anyway. :)
