Moon Zappa on Why #FrankZappa is Inspirational #shorts

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I have always thought Moon was intelligent, beautiful and amazing. She moves my egalitarian heart. She nails it about Frank. It takes courage to walk your own road. I KNOW!


Moon unit Zappa....(If you read this, know this: Your performance of "Valley Girl" on stage with your daughter a few years ago in front of that stoic audience showed the world exactly how admirable you are. If you ever feel unloved in this world read this back and realize that for every person willing to admit their position there are ten who agree but fail to acknowledge...
You matter👍😑👍


Saw Frank perform 5 times in 1970's. Chicago area.


Moon introduced colloquialisms that will endure our language for some time! She seemed very mature and incredibly well-spoken on Letterman back in '82. I find her communication style easy to listen to and follow - she exudes a high degree of emotion in her style. That wonderful smile is


She is beautiful..I don't know what I like about her, but I like it ALOT!!


A maestro of mayhem, a master of sound
Silenced by fate, on a cold winter's ground
December 4th, a day that will forever ache
The loss of a legend, a heart that would no longer create

His guitar lies still, his voice is no more
The absurdity of life, he can no longer explore
The world is a duller place, a less colorful sight
Without the spark of Frank, shining with delight

We mourn the loss of a prophet, a poet of old
A champion of free speech, a heart that was bold
He spoke truth to power, with a wit sharp as a knife
And left us with a legacy, a lifelong strife

His music remains, a testament to his name
A challenge to conformity, a call to break the chain
But oh, the songs that will never be sung
The jokes that will never be told, the riffs that will never be flung

Farewell, dear Frank, may your memory never fade
May your music continue, to inspire and invade
The hearts and minds of all, who refuse to be tamed
And may your spirit of rebellion, forever be proclaimed."


I'm still trying to figure out how she and Dwezil got the smaller amount of control of the music.


Creating a Utopia world by promoting sin ! A programmed dream!


But she is a bit of too. Not of this World.
