Merge K Sorted Arrays - Min Heap Algorithm ('Merge K Sorted Lists' on LeetCode)

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Question: Write a program that takes as input a set of sorted sequences and computes the union of these sequences as a sorted sequence.

This is basically the question "merge 2 sorted arrays" but now we have k sorted arrays.


[ [3,5,7], [0,6], [0, 6, 28] ]

[0, 0, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 28]

Approach 1 (Brute Force)

Concatenate all arrays into one large array and sort the large array.

Sorting will always expense us O(n * log(n)) at the least when sorting non-special data that we only know a total ordering property for (then we can use merge sort or quick sort).

This does not use the fact that each array is sorted already which (should) help us on time complexity.

Approach 2

When building our final output array that is the sorted set of all the items we will be placing an item one by one from the original k arrays
What is are the items in each of those k arrays that interest us? The smallest items.

How can we keep track of the smallest item of the k smallest items respective to each array?

A min-heap is optimal.

Since we will hold at max k items in the min-heap we know what we will have at least O(k) time complexity where k is # of sorted arrays we need to maintain the smallest item across.

We will take the smallest item from the min-heap and remember the array it came from so that we can add the next item in that array to the min heap (if it exists).

Example Walkthrough:

[ [3, 5, 7], [0, 6], [0, 6, 28] ]

Our output array will have size 8 [ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ ]

Let us step through this:

Initialize: Min Heap: [3, 0, 0]

[ 0, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ ]
Min Heap: [3, 0, 6] (0 came from array 2, we add the next item 6)

[ 0, 0, _, _, _, _, _, _ ]
Min Heap: [3, 6, 6] (0 came from array 3, we add the next item 6)

[ 0, 0, 3, _, _, _, _, _ ]
Min Heap: [5, 6, 6] (3 came from array 1, we add the next item 5)

[ 0, 0, 3, 5, _, _, _, _ ]
Min Heap: [7, 6, 6] (5 came from array 1, we add the next item 7)

[ 0, 0, 3, 5, 6, _, _, _ ]
Min Heap: [7, 6] (6 came from array 2, array 2 is finished)

[ 0, 0, 3, 5, 6, 6, _, _ ]
Min Heap: [7, 28] (6 came from array 3, we add the next item 28)

[ 0, 0, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, _ ]
Min Heap: [28] (7 came from array 1, array 1 is finished)

[ 0, 0, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 28 ]
Min Heap: [] (28 came from array 3, array 3 is finished)

[ 0, 0, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 28 ]


Time: O( 2(n * log(k))) = O( n * log(k) )

Let n be the total elements across the k sorted arrays we are given.

Extracting and adding to the min heap will both take log(k) time.

For each of the n items, we will do an addition to the heap and removal from the heap (log(k) expense per heap operation).

Hence the times 2. It is dropped. We get O( n * log(k) ).

Space: O( k )

Our heap will need to hold k elements for most of this process and cannot worsen past this.

We are not counting the size of the output array which uses O(n) space since that isn't core to our algorithm.



This question is number 11.1 in "Elements of Programming Interviews" by Adnan Aziz, Tsung-Hsien Lee, and Amit Prakash.
Рекомендации по теме

Table of Contents:

Dissing A Binder I Found 0:00 - 0:08
The Problem Introduction 0:08 - 1:06
Merge 2 Sorted Arrays (The Intuition) 1:06 - 3:18
Merge K Sorted Arrays (The Intuition Scaled) 3:18 - 5:11
Cool but...How Do We Code This? 5:11 - 6:09
Walkthrough With A Min Heap 6:09 - 8:47
Time Complexity 8:47 - 10:26
Space Complexity 10:26 - 10:44
Subscriber Begging 10:44 - 11:05

The code for this solution is in the description. Although for arrays, it can easily be adapted and applied to work on any type of list (like a Linked List).


This was a fantastically, clear explanation. Thank you so much!


You are amazing . Thank you for your sharing!


such a good video-- you're the best


omg omg damn man just loved it best alot


thank you, sir. you explained this topic very clearly !!!


point to point explanation
very nice content
hats off to you man from india


This guy is the best for the algorithm test


Awww you have helped me a lot, was exploring this solution for a long time but didn't find a preety clear and explained vdo on YouTube, then I got your vdo really awesome man:)
You deserve my subscribe 🙌🏻


Yo bro no homo but that mustache and beard line up looking clean!! Thanks for the help!!


This helped . Come up with the code walk through some day.


Thanks a lot man for that explanation.
