The Best Advice I Can Give — Thoughts of a Former Psychotherapist

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Thank you for watching this. And I would like to add (it case it wasn't clear from the video) that I do think therapy can in some cases be very helpful to some people, and it certainly helps to have an excellent therapist, though I think great therapists are few and far between.

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"The best advice is to look within your own self, to find yourself and to find the truth within yourself".


I used to be an advice junkie when I was in my early 20s. I didn't trust myself, and didn't have parents who I trusted either. Advice was more of a way of quelling anxiety about the future than wanting to know exactly what to do. Just like cigarettes. Once you learn to trust yourself, you really don't need advice. You just do what you want.


Daniel, you are an absolute gem. So glad to be apart of your community.


I think developing a relationship with one's inner self is hell only because it didn't happen in childhood, when it was most timely. Learning how to ride a bicycle is so much easier when young and flexible.


Best psychologist I’ve ever heard is Daniel Mackler


Love your words. I'm walking the same path that you have experienced. My entire family system thinks very simplisticly - black & white thinking.

I'm trying to turn inwards to find self-trust in my own answers. In my past I have deeply wanted to find answers from others. Comes from my own self-doubt that dismissive parents created.

"Healing trauma is a very confusing process."..

I feel that a 100%!! 27 years old and I feel like I'm waking up. I went no contact with my entire family back in June 2020 to heal this early childhood trauma. Got an RV and drove all the way to Yellowstone from Alabama. Here it is Christmas time and all I want is to heal my dysfunctional family. Not to be dissociated and act out a false self. To get to the root of this mess

To be real and to heal.


It is a terrible tragedy for a children to be neglected by their parents. The children will blame him/her self and then proyect their hate to the rest of the world and become psychopaths or to themselves and become suicidal. This thing has to stop. We need to make consciousness about the abuse parents do to their children and how it affects them. In my case i completely hated and neglected myself since i was a little child. Thought that i "was born this way" and that i would have to end my life someday. Then i started following my heart, i started accepting the hate i felt towards my parents, they were rubbish to me. But since society doesn't accept this and forces you to love your parents even if they were shit to you i had a lot of guilt and shame within. If you're feeling identified with this let me tell you, YOU'RE RIGHT, say FUCK OFF to them and follow your heart no matter what, things will start getting better, express those feelings, write them down, it's okay that you feel this way, YOU'RE ENTITLED to feel this way, fuck the blame and the shame.


So basically, you’re like Glenda the Good Witch, telling Dorothy (us), that we have had the power all along, we just have to find it for ourselves. :)


My 17 year old self would not have known what to do with this advice of looking 'within'.

The advice I desperately needed was concepts on:

- boundaries
- locus of control
- ownership of emotions
- evolutionary biology
- an understanding of the mental illnesses of some of the adults around me.

'Looking within' works for conscious people. Most people are not at that stage.

Happy Christmas to all men and women of good will.

A plague on those who act in bad faith.


You're a sane voice in a rather insane world. Thank you for sharing it with us.


Daniel---ha-ha-ha---thank you for saying it so bluntly: "they were stupid"


I'm just sitting around listening to the rain, one of my favorite sounds. I have been enjoying your videos and insights. I hope you are enjoying the holidays such as they are.


Your channel has helped me a lot. His voice for some reason just resonates with me and soothes me. Some peoples voice just soothes me for some reason.


It seems that people avoid going into themselves because they are afraid to see all the emotions they have been actively trying supress, believing it will make more difficult to just carry on with daily life. It seems easier to deny that those emotions are there than to look at them and to accept that they exist. Once I went into myself and explored my inner truth, I was more aware of how and why I felt so damaged. But I still didn't know how to proceed from that awareness. I was finally able to further my healing process by allowing myself to accept all the emotions I felt with self-empathy, which so many of us resist giving ourselves permission to do. Another key piece of advice that you have emphasized, has been the grieving process. In giving myself permission to practice self-empathy and grieve, I have been more able to focus on self-care. Self-empathy, grieving past trauma (childhood and adult) and self-care seem work together in continuing my healing process. Thank you, Daniel, for being authentic and sharing your journey with us. It has helped me be better able to continue my own journey in healthier ways.


Not me coming to this channel because I wished I could ask Daniel for advice on something. Not me.
Not me finding exactly the reminder I needed.
Thank you Daniel!


This self reflection was the gift of Covid. It forced many to get out of the "group" or "family" for some and to start to look within and ask how they like their lives and themselves. Even if most didn't want this opportunity it kind of forced it to various degrees on people. For those who had the courage to do it, we will slowly start to see the world change as the virus goes away.


Merry Christmas, Daniel. What a year of discovery it has been!! My year was full of painful growth. Understanding the self has been a huge part of it. I look forward to another year of growth, starting from a higher place than last year. Best wishes!


Could not agree more with the (non) advice of looking within and the idea that each person knows best, deep inside, what’s right for themselves. IMO, we can try to explain our experiences to others in seeking external input, and of course that input can provide invaluable ideas and food for thought, but no one else has the breadth or depth of information we do (about our internal and external experiences, and relationships) to be able to best evaluate the ideas. Intuition too is an amazingly potent and valuable power we all have.

The concept and importance of having a good relationship with oneself really hit home the way it was explained here. Thank you, as always, for sharing your ideas.


The outer world is just a reflection of the inner world,
I thank the chance that allowed me to find a person who shares me the same personal journey,
I'm a saudi guy who left their home a year ago seeking asylum in canada and i've been living in toronto ever since discovering that i had always been abused by my family back home and the society that were trying even sub-counsciously to abuse me and to convince me that i have to live the traditional life they live,
I've left them and their terribly disgusting world behind although i had done so before leaving them but after realizing the danger i was in amongst them,
I decided to be in a total different world,
and i'm so happy about the most important decision i've ever taken,

Thank you very much brother and i hope to see more brave and free people who do so without feeling guilty or ashamed,

Best regards 🌺


Thank you Daniel Mackler you are the one person I feel comfortable getting advice from
