Constitutive Modeling for NDAs in Practice | Katerina Ziotopoulou | ITASCA Symposium Keynote

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Katerina Ziotopoulou's keynote speech at ITASCA's 2024 symposium in Toronto, Canada on "Constitutive Modeling for Nonlinear Dynamic Analyses (NDAs) in Practice.

Katerina Ziotopoulou, PhD, PE, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Davis
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Рекомендации по теме

I love listening to Prof. Ziotopoulou! Thanks for uploading this keynote. I can't wait for the roll out of a 3D generalisation of the PM4Silt and PMM4Sand models. Not just for 3D models, but being able to use regularly performed critical state triaxial testing to help calibrate the models like we do with NorSand will be so helpful. And with the new version of FLAC2D/3D becoming more and more capable and faster, it really has been a turning point in the adoption of seismic analysis into engineering practice!
