Africa in the next 25 years will be recolonized - Prof. PLO Lumumba

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#FBC, #FANA_TV, #Ethiopia, #Africa, #Kenya, #Lumumba,
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I am from Serbia, and when I listen to this man, I can feel the emotion and the will for Africans to be strong and sovereign, not exploited by outsiders. It resonates extremely strong for us Serbs, and I wish for Africa unity and strength so that it would find itself on the map rightfully as a new power for the betterment of the life of it's people, and all people around the world.


It is a privilege to be able to listen to a gifted scholar with such deep knowledge and understanding. Very powerful


Am a 24years old ugandan youth, and am thanking you so much and may our leaders buy a leaf from your words and wisdom. May God help you to be our President (leader) of united states of Africa.because you can make it you are so courageous you can unit Africans with GOD 's wisdom and help plus yours at large.


Prof. Lumumba is one of Africa brightest mind who I can listen with admiration and great hope. It is way over due to see him in Addis Ababa, but never too late. Give him an office in AU-Addis and have him educate the uneducated self absorbed African gready "leaders".


When I listen to Prof. I become elevated spiritually, economically and politically sometimes I feel like I will unite the entire Afrika by myself


I am from Mozambique 🇲🇿, and this speech just just pulished my head. This is a voice of a really African man.
Unfortunately we don't have liders ready enough to take seriously the situation of Africa


You invited great man!! this shows you are serious about Africa and Ethiopia development!! happy to see him in Ethiopia! My mother land!


I felt this speech to my CORE! This humble man has been making powerful lectures all over the world for a while now and our leaders still refuse to listen. It is for the people of Mother Africa to rise up as we are ready for change. May the universe and our ancestors bless and protect you, Professor Lumumba. Peace.


What a genius
What a speech
What a truth 💯
We'll be forever weak if we never change
P.L.O to the world ❤️❤️❤️


Prof. PLO Lulumba is an amazing scholar, historian, a passionate Pan-Africanist and truly a motivational speaker!! I can’t stop listening to his speeches all the time. Our PM Abiy picked the right person to influence his new cabinet, this one week training is going to be an eye opener for them and l wish the entire training is open for public like this speech. Thank you our wise leader PM Abiy!! It is my dream that you will be the Pan-African leader once Africans are ready, for the next 10 years you are only ours, God bless you and your family!!


Africans never learn from their mistakes, but later start to recognize their weaknesses once they have lost everything. The professor has a lot to teach. God bless you!


This man makes me feel proud of being AFRICAN! What a wise soul!❤


The African truth is with this man - i wish his messages reach every African. We really need to avoid recolonization at all cost.


When Kwame Nkrumah heard of the Coup detat in Ghana he asked the man sitting by him "What do you think has happened in Ghana" the man answered "there has been a coup" Nkrumah replied "No, the downfall of Africa has started". He wanted to unite the continent.


As a pan-Africanist and daughter of the soil, I find this an enlightening and excellent talk👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾. I cry for Africa everyday. Hopefully, one fine day, but less likely within this century. No one listens to African leaders to play a big part in the geo-political world globally because of poor governance, corruption, division, tribalism, nepotism and hatred amongst Africans themselves. The looting of state funds by corrupt leaders, leaving poor Africans with no infrastructures is very, very sad. United we stand, divided we fall, but unfortunately, African Union is a total myth.


Great speech Professor! How refreshing to hear such speech that hurts and motivates at the same time! Thanks for telling the truths!!!


I can't hide my joy hearing this man all African must hear him .


Let me have my moment of 😭😭 !!! picking up my energy from off the ground 😡 re balancing my where there is life there is hope and Africa is FULL OF LIFE. What we do with our lives is the challenge. But here's the real deal...what goes around comes around. As above, so below. Everything is energy. The energy of African youth is palpable; it is strong. There is a global understanding that these are not ordinary times; something unprecedented is happening and Africa is on the cusp of restoration. There is a knowing among African youth, a realization that change is inevitable. I pity the African leader who will not lend ear, hearts and mind to the youth of his country...his employers. I am a 53 year old born in Canada, raised in Jamaica by a Pan African father who gifted me my Ashanti name. 53 years is a long time to wait for just the right to exist in peace;but a thousand years in the life of a man is but a day in the life of The Source of Life ( that tiny atomic particle that went BANG to create this paradigm of existence). So take heart my people. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH....OUR TIME IS COMING....STAY HOPEFUL; STAY WORKING TO BRING THIS CHANGE...DO YOUR PART HOWEVER SMALL. We were created from a small thought and look at us now...BIGGER THAN LIFE!!


An iconic Professor seen in Kenya-East Africa as Martyer for Pna-Africanism Movemnet. Let us follow Professor PLO Lumumuba. African leadership Excellence Academy could keep up inviting similar professors.


Time is now United Africa, thanks Prof. Lumumba your amazing and visionary speech
