Bermuda braces for Hurricane Ernesto's arrival

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Hurricane Ernesto continued to gain strength Friday as it plows north over the Atlantic. Ernesto is expected to reach Bermuda by Saturday, and the island's residents are making last-minute preparations with forecasters expecting up to 9 inches of rain. Dave Malkoff reports from Bermuda.

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Il tempo è sempre meno: penso che ormai lo abbiate capito. Poiché di tutto ciò che esiste non rimarrà nulla, vi consiglio da amico di iniziare a pregare riconoscendo in Dio la vostra vita e la vostra felicità. Chiedete perdono per le vostre colpe e troverete misericordia, ma soprattutto credete nella Salvezza che il Padre vi ha donato con amore infinito per mezzo del Figlio Messia. Scegliete dunque di vivere finché vi viene data la possibilità: più tardi potrebbe essere troppo tardi.


I'm writing you today brothers and sisters because I care about you and where you spend eternity. With so many lies going around about what you must do to be saved, I wanted to share the truth about Gods word with you and maybe give you a better perspective on the Gospel (Good news) well the bible says it is appointed to man to die once and then the judgment " yes there is going to be a judgment you see God is a holy God and in him is no darkness at all..the bible says we have violated Gods law (ten commandments) and are guilty of Hell and seperation from God for eternity this originally began in the garden of eden. Heres the Good news though, God loved you enough to send his only son into the world in the flesh to be crucified for our sins..yes that's right christ was sinless and bore our sins in his body, because without the shedding of blood there could be no remission of sin. So he was crucified on our behalf he was dead 3 days and then rose from the dead, victorious having defeated death, and now is seated at the right hand of God interceding on the behalf of the beilever. So that whoever repents of their sins and puts their faith and trust in Jesus christ as lord and savior, will be saved from the judgment of hell and will have everlasting life with God for eternity. Love u. Blessings my freinds the time is at hand;)
