I don't like my nose job anymore (wanting a revision rhinoplasty)

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sorry if this is a little repetitive! i do feel like i need to apologize for not really liking my face/nose anymore and if you've had any surgery (especially nose job) before i would be really interested to know if you've felt this way as well. it's definitely harder with social media and seeing so many perfect people with perfect results so maybe i'm not the only one?? idk i'm just screaming into the void here

(also my camera is a bit fuzzy and i can't figure out why so if there are any canon experts here....help me please)

make sure to follow me on my social media!
twitter/instagram/tiktok: @nahkohl
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Obviously there's no way for me to judge, but from what you're saying it really doesn't sound like getting a revision will fix your insecurities! In your original nose job video, you mentioned that people had been making fun of your nose a lot and how much that hurt you, and I think that must have been quite traumatic to go through?? So it's only natural that you're still always very aware of what your nose looks like - and like with everything else, if you think about/look at something too much, it's bound to start appearing weird to you. I think your relationship with your nose might have turned into something similar to how people with body dysmorphia feel about their body. It's very obvious that your nose is NOT big or weird-looking in any way!! Of course you can do whatever you want, but to me it very much seems like the problem is not in how your nose looks, but rather in how you've learned to look at your nose, which would mean that getting another surgery done would not fix anything.


You really dont need a revision! Your nose looks so good on you and fits your face. Maybe just get a revision septoplasty for the breathing but please don’t change the shape. I got mine done twice and now I regret it so so so much. Lots of love from Italy babe xoxo


I’ve had 2 nose jobs and I’m still deeply unhappy with mine & sometimes tempted to get a 3rd one, even though people tell me it looks good. It’s a body dysmorphia problem, not a physical problem trust me. I’m not gonna tell you what to do with your life but therapy has helped rebuild my self esteem 10x more than either surgery ever did. It might be something worth looking into! I personally think your money would be MUCH better spent there than on another surgery. I’m sure my opinion doesn’t mean much but I genuinely think you have a great result from your rhinoplasty. It’s perfect for your face, like you’re seriously so beautiful!


I got my nose done last year and before that I was so insecure of my angles and everyone kept telling me it’s fine, but those ppl don’t get to deal with the emotions that we go through. So do whatever that makes you happy❤️


Im so proud of you for talking about this. I had no idea you felt this way


If you're in a spiral of self hatred, a nose job isn't going to fix you. You need to see a therapist.


Hey girl! I am going through the same thing as you are. What you are feeling and saying is exactly what I have felt with insecurity, regret, and guilt after surgery. I got plastic surgery and completely regretted it! (later realizing I have body dysmorphia which is something I wish I knew before I got surgery). It's tough because even if people say you are beautiful it doesn't change the way you think if yourself. One thing I wish someone would have told me is that your worth is not based on your appearance. That your identity is not in a physical feature. You are worth so much more. Stay strong! I'll be praying for you!


Omg thank you. I sometimes force myself into these self conscious loops in which I beat myself down into a desperate state, and lose the total concept of how I actually look.
But for what it’s worth, your nose looks awesome on you. You look genuinely beautiful.


As a fellow person with a big nose, my tip to every woman who feels self conscious about her nose being too big is, 1. Think about your family and your ancestors. Think about how this is not just a nose, this is a relic of the past and of your ancestors. Think of your family and how you carry their legacy in your face-features. 2. This particular girl in the video, from where I stand she has perfectly simetrical face. See how big her eyes are and how this nose looks absolutely in harmony with the proportions of the face. If you put a tiny nose on a face that doesn't automatically make the face beautiful. The human eye likes symmetry
3. Remind yourself of the beautiful women with unique noses/features. Remind your brain how beauty is more than your nose, eyes or whatever else. It's how you present yourself, how you treat others around and how you communicate with the world. A kind person who is easy to get along with and presentable on the outside will always be better at life than simply one with a stereotypically "perfect for the era" face


You should read psycho-cybernetics it’s the science on self image and why plastic surgery or weight loss sometimes won’t change a persons actual perception about themselves … great self help book on awareness it blew my mind. Great business book too


Girl your nose looks good!! Plastic surgery is meant for improvement not perfection. Compare your old nose to your current nose, don't even look at girls with small noses because we all know comparison is the thief of joy. We all have imperfections, please do not take your imperfect traits and compare it with someone else's prefect traits. This is a recipe for unhappiness. Someone with a perfect nose might not have your beautiful eyes!! Perfection cannot be achieved by 99.9% of human beings. You are already very pretty. Do not ruin your confidence because of the nose.


Hey Girl, I have gone through nose job too .. one thing we need to keep in our mind is that we need to be realistic and no nose is perfect and even a perfect nose can't give us a perfect face.. what matters the most is it should blend with other facial features... u looks great honestly.. like a barbie ... and u know what we can't make all happy ..n that's ok..what matters the most is self love n love of ur loved ones since its eternal n pure... GO GIRl:)


Thank u for being so honest! We need more people like u on social media. U really don't need to apalogize for it. We change over time and see ourself different ever time we grow in life, and it doesn't mean that if u liked it then, u should like it now. U should do what feels best for u!


dont get a revision... you say you cant breathe as well now. Dont you realize youll breathe even worse if you get your nose made EVEN SMALLER? your nose looks fine. its not big at all. I had a nose job when i was 17 and it made my already shitty breathing even worse. I had to get a second one bc i couldnt BREATHE. the second one didnt do what it needed to so now a need a third for my breathing. and geuss what? my third surgeon said that in order to open my airway, he will have to make my nose MORE PROJECTED from the side. a smaller nose is not a realistic goal for you. please dont push your luck.


Ugh I wish you could see from our POV how beautiful you are! I actually think your nose is soooo cute!


I had a rhino/septoplasty done around the same time as you, and I feel like most people who go through this procedure also go through a whole rollercoaster of emotions about it. You're totally not alone in this. The healing process is not only physical but also mental! The eurocentric button nose ideal has social media by the THROAT and it's so so hard to not let that cloud your self perception if the results aren't 100% what you see on other "perfect" people. It's your decision whether or not you pursue a revision, but as other commenters have said I would recommend looking into therapy to help you work through your trauma from the bullying. This decision should be for your own happiness and peace, not to temporarily silence insecurities. Anyway I'm glad that you're still keeping us updated on how you're doing <3 and I'm excited for whatever future content you make!!


omg girl, you are so beautiful and courageous for being honest abt something as vulnerable as this, thank you and I hope you see the beauty of your face one day like i and how others do (even the haters bc theyre just envious smh)


Your nose looks fantastic. I’m in my 5th month and I hate it right now.


I know it doesn't matter how many times different people tell you that you don't need another nose job, and I don't mean to add onto that, but I genuinely believe your nose is more than perfect! You mentioned your nostrils and all these tiny things that bother you but I think that's what makes it look "natural." You mentioned wanting to fit in with everyone else and I think you do! You have a very beautiful nose/face and it makes me sad to hear you think otherwise.

I don't usually comment on videos and kinda just lurk around. If you find this comment intrusive/offensive please let me know I'll delete it. Sending much love to you! <3


I think we have almost identical stories. Throughout middle school and high school I was severely bullied for my nose. I got a nose job at 16, I’m 21 now. After I got it done I wasn’t completely happy with it, but at least I was able to blend in better (you said it perfectly). I wasn’t happy with how my nose looked slightly pinched and the columnela (idk how to spell it lol) was too low. Also, I can’t breathe out of my left nostril as well as I used to. It’s like 30% / 70% for me. I also got a fat transfer to my chin at the same time I got my rhinoplasty (it looks like your chin is fine though).

I considered getting a revision rhinoplasty early on, but after 2-3 years it finally settled to something I liked and now I never think about my nose. Sitting in class before my rhinoplasty, I used to feel so insecure about people looking at me from the side. It was all I ever thought about 24/7. I also examined everyone’s nose around me, thinking to myself “I would literally trade my nose with any one of these people”.

I just wanted to share my story with you because I’ve been subscribed to you since you posted your rhinoplasty video, and I was just always surprised by the similarities in our stories. You also mentioned having a phase where you wanted to look like ariana grande and I literally tried to look like her for a good year or two in high school lol.

If you want to get a revision rhinoplasty to feel more comfortable with yourself, I completely support that. However I would do a lot of research because I read that you may develop too much scar tissue after a second time and your nose could look worse (not trying to convince you not to get it, it’s just good to know!) but there are some great revision surgeons who know what they’re doing. When I was considering a revision I also thought maybe I just have body dysmorphia but with my nose.

Thank you so much for sharing your story, it comforts me to know that there’s someone out there like me who not only got bullied for their nose but got a rhinoplasty at a very young age. I’ve always loved your videos and would be so happy to see you post more :)
